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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 4.
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1 Midoman Sorry for all the bad words! I just want to understand how you guys from USA fonction and think. You have to make a qualitative leap in your perception of the World! 2009-01-31 10:45
2 Midoman Ah, so they're incapable of democracy, eh? What is democracy? Who rules USA? Isn't it your multinational companies and military system? How come a great country such USA elect a dump president like GW.Bush? Where is democracy in it? 2009-01-31 10:31
3 Midoman I would understand if you invaded Irak for a kind of crusade war or christian agenda; but to impose your way of life with your burgers and naked women! arrrrgh man! You should invade Rwanda! they need burgers there! 2009-01-31 10:22
4 Midoman Hail Obama! Good for your asses! Soldiers acting like in Abu Ghraib are animals! Shame on your military system! 2009-01-31 08:41