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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 2.
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1 Dribble2716 WHY do I have the nagging suspicion that Obama was in Rio with a drink and a cigarette in his hand away from the prying Media for a time.... while the Pentagon just did what it did without asking him for anything but hey its done and you can either say you love it with a straight face or you can fire the Generals( and let the American people watch you do it)... and eat that with a spoon ? So Obama scrambled home faster than you can blow smoke and said what was dangling on his Pentagon spoon was delicious. I dont see Obama as a fighting man, do you? I see him as a turd floating in the political bowl who wears pink and people( a lot of them Colonels) whisper "MeeOoww" whenever they see him go by headed for the Loo. Do YOU think the US military salutes when they see Obama? yeah? MeeeoowWWW! 2011-03-20 08:55
2 Dribble2716 I guess TOURISM will tank in a major way in Yemen now that their colorful customs dont attract fat Germans and French couples and an occasional Italian in a juanty beret. Oh well, the average EUroweenie is used to a toilet down the hall and squatting. They learned as children. The kidnapping and being held for ransom by bad teeth and beards while they doggy buggered your girlfriend in another room are a small price to pay for visiting such an "interesting" Moslem culture. Maybe you can find a bargain in a hand made rug,(oh and at least try the Quat on Friday.) 2011-03-20 07:09