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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 6.
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1 Dribble2716 islam is such a "colorful" religion. Oh, and by the way, is (or was) KaDaffy a Sunni or a Shia or just an Al-Goombah. And send the man selling peanuts over... I have some spare change. 2011-03-22 04:51
2 Dribble2716 All over the Middle East right now you have a lot of Moslems stomping around in their own flaming turds. And you you may be wondering who to support and who to wish a hearty raspberry. Well, if you have the is a good rule of thumb. If they are friends of Iran or Hugo Chavez, or if Iran or Hugo Chavez says they are cool or being "victimized"(you can ALWAYS know an Arab is full of crap when he does his "victim" schtick). Guarantee you when any Arab pulls a face and goes"victim" on you, he's a bad smell holding a frozen dead baby. Anyway, if Iran and Chavez are pulling for someone Arab...spit on that and step on it. Right now Syria is where the next real piece of action is. Syria is anus buddy with Iran...and Syria is full of people who would like to see Assad face down in the bucket. We should support THAT hard. We should ALSO go on ignoring the "Palestinians" who are feeling neglected at present and hope Israel bombs them blind and we can grin and wave when it happens. In Libya, encourage the French to go get'em and pile on the frog's legs and Freedom fries. Aim for KaDaffy's head and lie about it to the press. Hand Obama a damp towel and a spearmint and hope he stays in Rio. BUT and however, anybody Iran hates give THOSE people a new helicopter and and more guns. And if Chavez says we are after the Oil...he's right. Support any greasy little big nose who can deliver the pipeline to the Port. You dont HAVE any friends who are Moslems but SUPPORT the ones who would like to see Iran choke on a pointed stick. And as for Chavez....nice parrot there, big guy. 2011-03-22 04:38
3 Dribble2716 "He said the road between Benghazi and Ajdabiya was littered with the "burnout wreckage of what was Qadaffy's armour and tanks", destroyed in air raids by coalition forces." Do you get the impression about the Libyan rebels that they are about as organized as the girls down at the Ice Cream Parlor? What makes me think of a bunch of Arabs in T-shirts and Toyotas? Shooting in the air and playing CD's...that sort of thing. Fearsome as Mexicans on Pulque. Nobody in charge and dont bunch up. yeah? 2011-03-22 04:04
4 Dribble2716 OH WHEN...when will the noble Asrabs get their "respect" back.....? "Musa Musa al Koussa was misquoted, as I understand it," she said. She did not specify her understanding of what Musa actually said." 2011-03-22 03:52
5 Dribble2716 I might need a little help with the concept of the "Arab League", here What is the difference between Amr Moussa and Moussa Khoussa, or is it Koussa Moussa? Are they related to each other and if so, in what way? And who is Willie the Gimp? is he head of the Libyan rebel faction in charge of Oral Hygiene and Plastic airways? And what have the Liberal Democrats in Congress done to support the rise of shrapnel debridements and sucking chest wounds by Arabs working to get their "respect" back. PLUS, a question which has been nagging me for quite some time" What do Arabs wear under their dresses, you know, those dishdassha thingys? Is it like kilts or what? 2011-03-22 03:34
6 Dribble2716 "If the rebels can't pull it off with NATO air support then they can't pull it off..." I am good with that. Of course, we do have to remember we are dealing with the average Arab here. But against Arabs...well...its not impossible. Plus its Moslems against Moslems. Does Obama actually sit down in the same room with anybody from the Pentagon and discuss any of this face to face with a nasty old uniform? Would, Obama, could Obama be seen sitting with Generals and Colonels, breathing the same air in the same room..well, I know its hard to imagine...but maybe? And could it be well,,,possible? And they actually discussed things? Came to agreements, meeting of the minds, that sort of thing...exchanged views...dialogued even... " let's kill the monkey son of a biych, what do you think, General?" Or maybe: "What's the best way to get control of a port and a pipeline and get a few Tankers in there and load up, when can we pull that off , Colonel?" And just maybe:" What does Intell project on those weapons shipments to al-Gombah and the rebels? Are we in touch with their head of Operations to cut Kadaffy off from his Oil fields and give us a landing site so the French can land a Brigade of Can-Can girls in full battle dress?" "When can the Italians deliver the girls and the hairdressers?" "General, I want to announce the price of Oil is going down this month at some point, what do you project from the Saudi pretty-boys?" General Chisoss, move that mirror a little closer and bring in the photographers, I feel a Speech coming on. 2011-03-22 03:14