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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 3.
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1 George Tholutle5614 Trailing wife, were it true that the number we lost was insignificant, then your assessment "it could be worse". Who are you to discount loss of life? God? Having been reading your comments extensively, its obvious you take "moderating" to mean having no actual principles but just saying whatever sounds good at the moment. Not too long o you were stomping all over the female contributor of Rantburg for having views that are unpopular in your little mind( Anon1 and Fi) such as supporting Wikileaks or renouncing Judaism. Maybe just maybe when you die they should bury you stomach down to give that ass you've been sitting on up on your high horse a rest. And maybe you should take your sexist fingers and write out a check to your Rabbi for teaching you that being a kept woman who doesn't actually work but just sounds like Whoopi from the view. And then maybe you should pray your husband puts up with you since you haven't really worked in decades, and if you did go back to the workforce you'd wind up as like the smartest cashier at Kohl's. Go drink some tea and please stop assailing the world with whatever the Hell you think you should be saying. BTW, shouldn't you be observing the Sabbath, you fucking hypocrite? 2011-04-30 12:47
2 Elder of Zion would someone do me a favour and shoot Jimmah in the head ? so much stuipidity in one man is unbelievable. 2011-04-30 10:22
3 de Medici3489 I wonder how long a starving cripple would be able to attack anyone.It might be unpleasant, perhaps even "disturbing" to be attacked by a starving cripple....but, ask yourself, just how long would the attack last...and who would ultimately win? That is the bottom line...who is going to win. Club him when he comes and then get him in the bag. You can always wash up afterwards. Have a special unit ready for Kimmie, say he was killed in the fighting and look sorry about it. Load the cripple on the truck, move in your own Army and keep out the reporters. You can triage to your advantage, make sure the Chinese frontier is secured. Explore the potentialities of benign neglect and salvage the useful. There are a myriad of ways to control and isolate NGOs. Give it three weeks for the whole world to forget, they always do. Get on with it. 2011-04-30 07:53