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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 3.
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1 de Medici Greece has gone up a notch in my estimation. Canadians have gone down one. Ever lived on a farm and cleaned out the back of a downhill privy? You load it on a two wheeled wagon and take it out and spread it on the sweet potatoe crop. Makes you think of Palestinians.... every shovel full. 2011-07-05 07:31
2 de Medici I will second the motion (g(r)omgoru. Palestinians are a ditch full of it. Taking a bath wont help a Palestinian. Some things you cant wash away. 2011-07-05 07:25
3 de Medici Ordinarily I would tend to open the window and air out the place if Christopher Hitchens came into the room, but then now I hear him sniffing ...and I realize he has a nose himself. The "Flotilla" does have a distinct aroma all its own. Sort of like Hitler would smell right about now, if they hadnt burned the corpse in a ditch and just saved his dentures for the Soviet museum. But then you can depend on some kinds of people to always line up with the SS and with the Moslem Brotherhood and Hamas and Hizbollah......its their Nature. Love the Palestinians? SNIFF! Smells just like Jenin downwind. Or Arafat's grave (PBUH). With Palestinians you have to be careful what you step in. 2011-07-05 07:22