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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 5.
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1 Redneck Jim There won't be another BLACK president for another Hundred years. THANK YOU BARRACK OBAMA 2011-08-06 10:13
2 de Medici " Speaking to American military veterans"????? I will just bet it wasn't to a room full of uniformed Colonels who each commanded Regiments. What do you bet it was to a roomful of VA hospital geezers with cheap ( made in China ) canes and no jobs? wrinkled Khaki, cigarette stained knuckles and the smell of Divisional Eagles and Stars in that bunch. "Safe" veterans for Obama. Half blind and abandoned vets living on Social Security checks every second Wednesday of the Month. Am I lyin' to 'ya? 2011-08-06 08:39
3 de Medici What? Just one comment to this post? Obama is the Messiah, THE ONE, Greek Columns and the sun rise of the hopes and change, the first half black President who toured Europe during the American Election to the ecstatic kisses of the French. He has single-handedly cleaned us out. No mean feat for a man who grew up in Indonesia with a mommy ( where was she born? New Jersey? ) who posed for skin pics and a daddy who was born among the kralls of Kenya. America, how DO you do it? Time Magazine and Newsweek and the NYT think he is the best thing since mustard all over your weenie. And were YOU invited to HIS BBQ the day the Dow Jones went down like the Titanic? When the dollar goes down guess what the gas prices at the pump do? Got a job? Awww, that's too bad. 2011-08-06 08:30
4 de Medici How many bodyguards does the average Congress-critter have? How do they protect their families and their homes? Its not necessary since they are so beloved by all. Its unthinkable, of course. They do, after all, represent the interests of the People. Ask yourself how much the average one makes in MONEY every year for doing such a good job for you, the average taxpayer. But what would we replace them with, when all is said and done? More suits and the same old silk ties? And some are there for life if they want it. Nancy and Harry are guaranteed a job. John Kerry ( big salute ) is a Leader. And Al Sharpton, or is that Al Frank...well whatever...they all look the same at a distance. How many are YOUR friends? Taking care of business. And you aren't a sucker, are you? But somebody sure is.... 2011-08-06 08:14
5 de Medici I don't know about you, but I find it kind of comforting to know that the old guys with beards and turbans are paranoid as rats soaked in cooking oil....and they all probably have kidney problems and swollen prostates and have to pad back and forth to the loo six times a night, as well. Let's just stand here and watch, shall we? These Allah clowns are afraid of their own people and they think the Jewzzzz are under every skirt. What's not to like? 2011-08-06 07:57