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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 4.
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1 Israel4Jews In the 1980s my father fought the Lebanese. The army was mainly Maronite Christian (as today). The maronites are evil - they are in league with the PLO. Arafat married one of them and made her convert. People have to realize that the Christians are as bad as the muslims, that is why we expel them all. They both believe in false prophets and they both believe that jerusalem is theirs. 2011-10-03 14:42
2 Israel4Jews The arabs are scum and they must all be executed. The US must stop funding the terrorist Palestinians. Even though the US has trillions of debt it MUST continue to fund Israel, without it the Palestinian Muslim scum will turn it into an Islamic state or the Palestinian Christians will have a crusade to claim to take Jerusalem. Jerusalem is Jewish. To the muslim and christians - go find somewhere else to live! 2011-10-03 14:31
3 Israel4Jews These Arabs shouldn't even be in our land. Expel them all, they are all terrorists! They are not jews. Some of the Palestinians claim that they are jewish by race even though their ancestors converted to christianity. Well that is your problem. If your ancestors chose to turn their back on god and worship a heretic schizophrenic then you have NO RIGHT to live in our land! 2011-10-03 14:27
4 Israel4Jews Criminally related? A bomb by a kindergarten? The police obviously have their sharpest man on the case. 2011-10-03 14:22