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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 5.
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1 Israel4Jews "I am the first Christian to wear a bikini on the front page, but there were two Mohammedan models who did it," she said. "That says it all, and there's really no need to elaborate." They are all sluts! 2011-10-11 09:06
2 Israel4Jews If he is concerned about the violence he should have backed up Mubarak with force. Now the people of Egypt, the vermin have control. They have united and they want to destroy the Jews. They must all be exterminated. 2011-10-11 09:00
3 Israel4Jews Also from wikipedia "The PFLP is powerful politically in the Ramallah area, the eastern districts and suburbs of Jerusalem and Bethlehem, the primarily Christian Refidyeh district of Nablus, but has far less strength in the rest of the West Bank, and is of little or no threat to the established Hamas and Fatah movements in Gaza." With right on our side we will purge the land of the final Christians who remain. Then we have only the muslims to destroy! 2011-10-11 08:58
4 Israel4Jews "The PFLP grew out of the Harakat al-Qawmiyyin al-Arab, or Arab Nationalist Movement (ANM), founded in 1953 by Dr. George Habash, a Palestinian Christian, from Lydda. In 1948, 19 year old Habash, a medical student, went to his home town of Lydda during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War to help his family. While he was there, the Israel Defence Forces attacked the city and as a result most of its civilian population was forced to leave, and marched for three days without food or water until they reached the Arab front lines." These are Christian terrorists - they believe that Christians have a right to live in Palestine. They object to the cleansing of our land. They wish to return. They must all be destroyed - with help from God and America we will crush these pigs and cleanse the holy land until only the chosen remain. 2011-10-11 08:55
5 Israel4Jews This is a struggle between the Egyptian military (friends of Israel) and the people. The christians and most of the egyptians are on the same side, that is why the muslims they came out and fought with the christians against the army. Just like in Palestine and Lebanon we must crush the christians and muslims. What egypt needs is a strong leader like Mubarak that will keep the peace with Israel by crushing these vermin. 2011-10-11 08:48