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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 3.
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1 Slolugum Gray3209 had a nail in the end of it also the stick! 2012-08-24 18:10
2 Slolugum Gray3209 Hope they showed the ganger banger rap video about killing people and passed around the 15 inch stick from the person they wanted to save that raped to death a small child who by the way was an illegal the rapist! 2012-08-24 18:09
3 Slolugum Gray3209 Amazing how all the media talks about is a faggot(bundle of wood) shooting another faggot and cops shooting unarmed people in an upscale neighborhood. How is that promise to lie and and mislead the American public coming anyways? 2012-08-24 17:39