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2004-05-14 Iraq-Jordan
'How can we tell friend from foe?'
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Posted by Howard UK 2004-05-14 04:47|| || Front Page|| [7 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Fred - please remove if been up here before - oh and abridge the title if you would be so kind!
Posted by Howard UK 2004-05-14 4:48:44 AM||   2004-05-14 4:48:44 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 Done.
Posted by Fred  2004-05-14 8:09:39 AM||   2004-05-14 8:09:39 AM|| Front Page Top

19:41 Faisal the Goyem
17:34 Faisal the Goyem
16:42 Gentile
16:42 Gentile
08:58 B
13:09 Evert V. in NL
13:07 Bulldog
04:15 Super Hose
03:31 Super Hose
01:00 Anon666
00:23 Frank G
00:21 Frank G
00:03 Lucky
23:46 Laurence of the Rats
23:45 Pappy
23:13 Super Hose
23:12 Eric Jablow
23:08 Robert Crawford
23:01 Anonymous4828
23:01 mojo
22:58 Eric Jablow
22:58 Anonymous4828
22:54 Anonymous4828
22:50 Super Hose

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