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2003-05-30 Middle East
Jordan Urges Support for Mahmoud Abbas
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Posted by Steve White 2003-05-30 12:08 am|| || Front Page|| [4 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Financial compensation is a perfectly good option, given that it worked so handsomely in getting palestinian moral support for Saddam. However, I agree it won't work in this case, since the Palestinian beef isn't the loss of the homes or land, but that the Joooooos will be their neighbors.

I won't make my final decision on Dubya until, say, October 1 of next year, so there's plenty of time for him to pull off one of his "Defining Moment" stunts that Steven Den Beste has noted he's prone to do. The fact that Abbas is seen as the key player, not Arafat, is something of a sea change that Bush started.

Sharon, I think, is deciding to take one of the most daring steps of his political career that is sure to doom it, in order to ensure the continued existence of Israel: He's letting down the nation's guard and is going to allow a terrible atrocity to take place against his people so that Dubya has the pretext he needs for that "Defining Moment". Know for sure that when that happens, the left and the Euros are going to make the accusation that the Israels caused it because they knew it would happen if they did what they, the left and the Euros, wanted them to do to show their "good will".
Posted by Ptah  2003-05-30 07:50:15|| []  2003-05-30 07:50:15|| Front Page Top

#2 Let's face it. There's going to have to be a bunch of dead guys before the Paleo side is ready to negotiate a settlement.

Our money is now on Abbas, not Arafat. Hamas is discovering that being a leader in their organization causes a fatal disease, lead poisoning. There is a tiny change here that may or may not be exploitable.

Abbas needs to decide that it's time for Arafat to be a martyr to the cause, before Arafat makes a similar decision.
Posted by Chuck  2003-05-30 10:34:14|| []  2003-05-30 10:34:14|| Front Page Top

Paleos don't want to live in Israel, they want to live in Palestine.

They want the destruction of Israel and to drive all Jews into the sea (kill them).
You can't negotiate with these murderers.
Anyway, they have a state.
It's called Jordan.
Posted by Celissa  2003-05-30 19:01:19|| []  2003-05-30 19:01:19|| Front Page Top

#4 I do not believe there will ever be a lasting peace in the Mideast. There never has been. The best that can be hoped for is managable tension and workable logistics. Nor do I believe that Israel should allow Paleos back in to what is now Israel. Do you honestly think Israel would grant them full franchise? Heck, christians can't even get that now in Israel. Israel wants a jewish state. The salient fact is, they're gonna have it. What should be sought is an entirely new homeland for the Pals. Lebanon, Jordan, heck - Iraq, for crying out loud. What the rest of the civilized world needs to do is make it worthwhile for the host nation. That means money. Ideological crusades look a lot less attractive when you have a stake down and your family is fed. I don't think the occupied territories can support the whole Pal population. (The Gaza is ugly anyway)Revive the fertile crescent. Make it sort of a Fhlostan Paradise. Relocate Joe Ali Schmuck there.
Posted by Scott 2003-05-30 19:03:50||   2003-05-30 19:03:50|| Front Page Top

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