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2005-10-23 Britain
Rule America?
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Posted by Spert Gleresh7104 2005-10-23 00:00|| || Front Page|| [1 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Will we, too, stop believing that America stands firm, as a great force for good ...

Over my dead body.
Posted by Zenster 2005-10-23 00:52||   2005-10-23 00:52|| Front Page Top

#2 Sometimes the parallels with Rome are scary - the influx of immigrants who micro-colonize rather than assimilate; the disparaging of traditional values and beliefs by self-loathing intellectuals; the utter demolition of public insititutions by foolish judicial fiat; and most troubling, the moral relativism that cannot fathom that some cultures, values, ideals and nations are in fact more valuable than others. I believe in America, but the pugative we will have to endure to overcome the messes internally and externally we have allowed to fester through sloth and timidity are not going to be pretty or pleasant...... diversity of culture is not a strength, and most importantly, Islam is a dangerous poison that grows in the shadows becasue we think it is not more dangerous than being a Methodist........
Posted by Just About Enough!">Just About Enough!  2005-10-23 01:06||   2005-10-23 01:06|| Front Page Top

#3 The singular parallel is that these traitorous socialist toolfools repeat the same program of lies endlessly, generation after generation. That they can even exist as parasites disproves the idiocy they spout. Freedom, true freedom, allows true tolerance, even tolerance of sedition, and that tolerance breeds another crop of these cretins.

No institutional memory or no shame? I tend to believe it doesn't matter. They are trendy self-satisfied vampires who have broken Rule #1: Never buy your own bullshit. They suck the lifeblood out of great countries, the few bastions of freedom, tainting public discourse, sewing confusion and sedition, producing nothing of value, nothing worthy of the security they enjoy and work tirelessly to undermine. Safely protected within the bosom of their victim, they pronounce themselves elite intellectuals, logrolling for each other, spreading their asinine memes, insinuating themselves into the foci of the information system, poisoning yet another generation. They are as obviously pathogenic to freedom as the totalitarians, whether religious or communist or whatever the trendy flavor may be, zealots that should be eradicated, not coddled.

I recommend hunter / killer teams. Make the lists, check them twice, and off the pricks before they so weaken us from within that we lose the will to survive. CWII this way comes.

Some would say, "Would that we had Churchill with us today. Or Maggie with all her faculties intact." Indeed, that would be grand, splendid, quotable... The public would "get it" more readily, respond more favorably to the tasks Bush has set for himself and our nation. The odd thing is, despite all of his deficiencies as an orator, Bush does the things that need to be done. The proof of that assertion? Simple: that he displeases so many here at home fades into embarrassment when we are (accidentally?) allowed by the media to see how the troops respond to him - and to Rummy, and Cheney, and the rest of the administration. Greater enthusiasm and adulation is damned hard to imagine. I find that a very interesting contradiction.

Gosharoonies, could it be that they see a very different President Bush than the one we (are allowed to) see? Somehow, with even less MSM exposure, they know, even while serving at the point of the spear, the spear he wields as CINC, what is debated endlessly by the voyeurs - the public... they know that Bush has it right, is doing the right things, is making a difference, is writing history, and protecting each and every one of us. Must be more there than meets the eye sadly limited to viewing the MSM images delivered up for our consumption. Must be something about the man, the guy our troops have come to know, that so inspires them. Would that the voyeurs, the chattering classes, the ankle-biting single-issue fools - you'll recognize them as the one wearing blinders - could see it, too. Wouldn't that be grand?
Posted by .com 2005-10-23 01:38||   2005-10-23 01:38|| Front Page Top

#4 No institutional memory or no shame?

No, they willfully destroy history. When there is no history, then they can make it up as the go along. That is why the old books were tossed in our school systems. That is why the marxists dominate the history departments of our universities. It requires constant attention and censorship to stop true historical research and understanding. Orwell forwarned you.
Posted by Slimble Sholulet1097 2005-10-23 08:54||   2005-10-23 08:54|| Front Page Top

#5 Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose.

[A thousand pardons for using Phrench]
Posted by Barbara Skolaut">Barbara Skolaut  2005-10-23 11:58||]">[]  2005-10-23 11:58|| Front Page Top

#6 Barb, can you give us a translation?

For us folk who aren't into dying languages (or dying cultures...).
Posted by  CrazyFool 2005-10-23 12:09||   2005-10-23 12:09|| Front Page Top

#7 Loosely translated, "The more things change, the more they stay the same."
Posted by Phil Fraering 2005-10-23 12:46||   2005-10-23 12:46|| Front Page Top

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