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2007-02-15 Fifth Column
Can we really support these troops?
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Posted by Mike 2007-02-15 13:32|| || Front Page|| [12 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 June Scorza Terpstra is an idiot who enjoys the freedom of this country.
Posted by JohnQC 2007-02-15 14:37||   2007-02-15 14:37|| Front Page Top

#2 For what fine institution does this paranoid schizophrenic work? Not that I'm looking to get her canned... more for knowing where not to send my kids.

Posted by eLarson 2007-02-15 14:39||]">[]  2007-02-15 14:39|| Front Page Top

#3 Grr... Google is, of course, my friend. The answer to my question: Loyola University in Chicago
Posted by eLarson 2007-02-15 14:41||]">[]  2007-02-15 14:41|| Front Page Top

#4 A room full of students listened as a US Marine told of the invasion of Baghdad and Falluja and how he killed innocent Iraqis at a check point. He called them “collateral damage” and said he had followed the “rules.”

Since you make this accusation and don't include a name of our intrepid Gyrene, I have no choice but to assume this just another lefty wet dream.
But I think I've heard this story before and will try to find it...
Posted by tu3031 2007-02-15 15:12||   2007-02-15 15:12|| Front Page Top

#5 That wasn't hard. Could it be this guy?

Former Marine Staff Sgt. Jimmy Massey served with the 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines, in Iraq for nearly a year during 2003. During that time, he claims, he and other Marines (whom he labeled "psychopathic killers") deliberately gunned down innocent Iraqi civilians, fired on peaceful protesters, and shot a 4-year-old child through the head at a checkpoint. Or was it a 6-year-old?

"How is a 6-year-old child with a bullet in his head a terrorist, because that is the youngest I killed," Massey told an audience at Cornell University. Or was it a girl? "That's war: a 6-year old girl with a bullet hole in her head at an American checkpoint," he told a Vermont audience.

Except, as Massey later acknowledged to the Post-Dispatch, he'd never actually shot any child, boy or girl. "I meant, that's what my unit did," he explained. Except that it didn't, according to Massey's fellow Marines and the journalists who covered them. Nor did they target civilians and protestors. In fact, as the Post-Dispatch documents, each one of Massey's claims is "either demonstrably false or exaggerated --according to his fellow Marines, Massey's own admissions, and the five journalists who were embedded with Massey's unit."
Posted by tu3031 2007-02-15 15:38||   2007-02-15 15:38|| Front Page Top

#6 Shades of John Kerry.
Posted by JohnQC 2007-02-15 15:50||   2007-02-15 15:50|| Front Page Top

#7 ...This whole thing smelled of some serious BS from the very beginning. I'm guessing that this was that Massey idiot - IF it was a Marine (curent or former) at all.
And dear sweet Jesus in heaven above:

who, if paid to, would disappear, torture and kill me.

If the Nutty Professor can show me ONE instance where this has happened to ANYONE, Iraqi or American, on orders, I'll defend her to the death.
But I don't really expect to have to deliver on that one.

Posted by Mike Kozlowski 2007-02-15 16:32||   2007-02-15 16:32|| Front Page Top

#8 Ahhh...but the good Doctor did allow this post to stand - at least when I was there. I wanted to leave a comment, but was not about to "register" at her site.

The class is taught at a Catholic institution just down the road from me but I find little evidence of any sort of commitment to a Catholic approach, social justice or in general. The profound ignorance of the laws of war that seems so widespread is clear and evident in the post. Let me spell it out.

As policy, intentionally, the anti-Iraq forces (as they are termed by the elected government of Iraq and by our own forces) daily commit war crimes. One of their crimes is to not wear uniforms. They blend in with civilians. It is this blending in that allows them to keep fighting but the strategy comes with a price, dead civilians who are mistaken for the enemy. This is why the rules for wearing uniforms were adopted world-wide. The moral fault for these tragedies of war are the war criminals who refuse to follow norms and do not wear uniforms.

Everybody in the military understands this and, like every bureaucratic institution, they develop shorthand terms of art to speed communication. In this case, the resultant civilian casualties due to those war crimes by the enemy are called "collateral damage". I didn't pick the term but I care about truth enough to learn it. The good professor did not bother.

There is no search for truth, no commitment to justice, no Catholic commitment to the souls of *everybody* shown in this article. It is a betrayal of the faith and the ideals of the institution and is just plain sad. One can certainly be against the war and do it in a way that is faithful to Catholic social doctrine but this isn't it.

Smart guy.
Posted by Bobby 2007-02-15 17:22||   2007-02-15 17:22|| Front Page Top

#9 Surprise she is a moonbat among moonbats. Follow her links to many LLL Mo0nb@+ pages where Cindy Sheehan and other praise Lt "Traitor" Watada as if her were Jesus Christ (if they believed in that). I would bet the after the Lt serves his time in the brig he will become a very well paid public speaker on the LLL Moonbat teaching circuit.
Posted by Cyber Sarge 2007-02-15 18:37||   2007-02-15 18:37|| Front Page Top

#10 HHHHMMMMM, HHHHHMMMM, WTC destruction + 3000 dead Amers = winning the WOT by:
(1) doing nothing.
(2) let our enemies attack us at their unilater will and discretion. Victory = Success = Peace > letting your enemy kill you or control you.
(3) pretending that fatwas/declarations of war + violence/terror against Amer is = invited to party at McDonalds + local barbecues, etc.
(7) A DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS IS NEVER RESPONSIBLE FOR IMMIGRATION-CUSTOMS-BORDERS NO MATTER WHAT THE LAW SAYS - once again, a Texas STATE Gubnor is more responsible for national issues than an elected National Congress.
(8) Are winning in the ME, ergo Amer people = voters must be told are losing. ETHICS/TRUTH > DOING SOMETHING WITHOUT NEED OF EXPLAINING OR JUSTIFYING WHY TO THE VOTERS.
(9) Universalism + World-wide/Global Equalism = a pre-selected Few are not affected by any consequences-outcomes. The Majority have the Right to have no Rights.
(10) Being blamed for Nothing = Taking credit for eevrything = John Wayne + "Damn the Torpedoes" Farragut.
(11) OWG > "USSA, NOT USSR, ergo USSA must surrender or be destroyed by USSR". Amers can unilaterally, singularly war for Empire and ditto pay for Empire, but Amer taxpayers just can't rule the empire they are fighting for = paying for.
(12) Just to make sure that America is properly defended, Amer must recognize and work in collusion wid those nations that wilfully provide advice, materiel, weapons, $$$, tech and manpower to the Nation(s), Govt(s), or group(s) that attack and kill us.
(13) Competition = Substitution of Nations > ONLY AMER IS NOT ALLOWED TO CHANGE = BLAMED FOR ANY AND ALL CHANGES.
Posted by JosephMendiola 2007-02-15 23:40||   2007-02-15 23:40|| Front Page Top

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