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2007-04-12 -Short Attention Span Theater-
Drudge: Imus: "When will Sharpton apologize to Duke Players?"
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Posted by gorb 2007-04-12 16:58|| || Front Page|| [4 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Update: As all know already, Imus has been fired by CBS radio. As pointed on by Rush Limbaugh, the MSM has stared to portray Imus as a "conservative radio host". LOL...right...just like Limbaigh is a "liberal" radio host. Imus thought he was in the liberal club, but wasn't. Think otherwise? Check out who the guests were on his program.

Imus shoudn't have been fired. Period.

The nappey-headed black pimps (Sharpton-Jackson-et al) in conjunction with their guilt ridden white hos' have sealed the fate of Imus.

Despite Imus being a "liberal" ass, he should NOT have been fired by either MSNBC or CBS. This is a travesty.

Anyone remember the 88 (!!!) faculty members of Duke University that signed the faculty petition trashing the 3 falsely accused WHITE lacrosse players? Just a petition that acknowledged the obvious guilt of the white boys because a black woman was their accuser? Damn if not 30 some of the petition signers were black. No apologies to date from any black (or white) faculty. Still waiting. Any faculty fired yet? No. Will any faculty be fired? No. Why not? They were exercising their freedom of speech.

White boys don't have freedom of speech. Didn't you know? Didn't you get the memo? And neither will infidel have freedom of speech if all goes according to the muslim-leftist plan.
Posted by Mark Z">Mark Z  2007-04-12 20:06||   2007-04-12 20:06|| Front Page Top

#2 Imus is a foul-mouthed left-wing idiot. Good riddance.
Posted by DMFD 2007-04-12 20:44||   2007-04-12 20:44|| Front Page Top

#3 Mark - your points are all well taken, and the hypocrisy in this is beyond irony. Really - going to Sharpton to apologize for racial insensitivity is like apologizing to Goerring for anti-semitism. That said, the corporate suits have quickly thrown him under the bus when it was "discovered" that there were racial insensitivites by Imus! (i.e.: advertisers withdrew and the black ink became red).... I used to watch him while getting ready for work 4-5AM PST about 5 years ago, but he'd become tiresome (but his staff: Charles, Rob, Larry are top-notch) during his pro-Kerry stretch, and his wife Deirdre, is a enviro-nut. They'd best reflect on their lives before starting anew, and I have no doubt that someone will hire him. First thing he oughtta do is fire up the Jesse and Al parody show to repay the hypocrisy by those two racial hucksters, extortionists and bombthrowers, who have actually contributed to the deaths of innocents by their inflammatory remarks. Assholes abound in this dustup
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2007-04-12 21:09||   2007-04-12 21:09|| Front Page Top

#4 It would be hypocrisy if it was based on any principle other than the rationalization of POWER. However, there is no principle in play other than positioning for influence and power in this game.
Posted by Procopius2k 2007-04-12 21:17||   2007-04-12 21:17|| Front Page Top

#5 Mark Z,

I'm so happy that Imus is fired and that his left wing friends have shown their true colors during this. The MSM is one gigantic log rolling clique. Imus' ilk (Newsweek, Dems, NBC, etc) makes possible the Jackson/Sharptons.

This is the best thing since the Iran/Iraq War.

PS--I assume you are white like me so I suggest you stay off the racial grievance hamster wheel. There is NO reason for Imus to say what he said, EVER; I don't care what Snoop Dog, Sharpton, Pat Buchanan, etc., say.

If a white man is a true American gentleman, he would be proud to have his daughter competing for a NCAA D1 sports title as a scholar-athlete. Congrats to Rutgers on a great season. If my daughter ever makes an academic sports final and some drug addled nothing mocks her, he'll be lucky just to be fired.

Posted by JDB 2007-04-12 21:33||   2007-04-12 21:33|| Front Page Top

#6 MICHELLE MALKIN, iff I heard it correctly this AM, was called/belabeled a de facto POLITICAL? WHORE FOR "MALE CHAUVINIST RACIST PIG BILL O'REILLY", or words to that efffect, on national TV by an African-Amer attorney = legal counsel personage Guest whom refused to apologize to her nor for the portrayal, treatment, or detrimental or negative stereotyping of African-Amer women by certain black Leaders, activists, andor black entertainers-celebs. *Michelle's premise? > Apparently ONLY THE BLACK COMMUNITY OR CERTAIN ELEMENTS WITHIN SAME CAN CALL OR LABEL THEIR WOMEN "HO'S" OR WORSE - ANY AND ALL NON-BLACK AMERS WHOM USE THE SAME TERMS ARE "RACIST"???
Posted by JosephMendiola 2007-04-12 23:58||   2007-04-12 23:58|| Front Page Top

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