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2015-03-01 Government
Obamacare threatens to end John Roberts's dream of a nonpartisan Supreme Court
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Posted by Besoeker 2015-03-01 05:33|| || Front Page|| [12 views ]  Top

#1 The Supreme Court jumped the shark a long time ago. They clearly stopped being the best interest of America and the constitution and now support the migration toward activist judicial system.
Posted by airandee 2015-03-01 07:17||   2015-03-01 07:17|| Front Page Top

#2 ...the migration toward activist judicial system the new aristocracy.

FIFY. When you sit for life and are unaccountable to the people, it cannot be in any way a republic or democracy. They crossed that line when they unilaterally suspended the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment decades ago (rationalized as rectifying a wrong only to perpetuate a new wrong against the majority).
Posted by Procopius2k 2015-03-01 08:47||   2015-03-01 08:47|| Front Page Top

#3 This is a key ruling. Does the law mean what it says -- and what was said about it during the drafting (Thanks to Gruber's inadvertent admissions that it was designed to exclude states without exchanges as an incentive, which are part of the congressional record) -- or does it mean whatever the Democrats and executive branch want to twist it into after it was passed to find out whats in it?

Justice Roberts, which is is: does the law mean what it says, or is it OK to ignore the words and go with whatever you want?
Posted by OldSpook 2015-03-01 14:07||   2015-03-01 14:07|| Front Page Top

#4 Dream is the right word. Appointments these days are made based on ideological consistency. Asking reliable partisans to act nonpartisan is about as futile a task as the human mind has ever conceived.
Posted by Iblis 2015-03-01 18:09||   2015-03-01 18:09|| Front Page Top

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