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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 6.
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1 Bystander Darrell: Acording to O'Connor and Ginsberg many conservative republicans arent pleased with the USSC, which has resulted in death threats against them. (Do you guys actually READ the articles these threads are based on?) You maybe pleased with Alito and Roberts now, but as I questioned before, Suppose they DONT vote as conservatives hope they will? Will THEY become the target of death threats? That is the question. 2006-03-17 16:42
2 Bystander Whats really interesting is the rise of the Conservative movements influence in trying to take over the USSC and enforce it's agenda thru pressuring President Bush and the Republican Congress into nominating only persons pre-approved by them. What they did to poor Harriet Miers was particularly brutal. One has to wonder, with the rise in death threats against the USSC judges, by the right wings "irrational fringe", what would happen to recent USSC appointees Alito and Roberts if they DONT get the rulings, vote & pull the court in the direction, that the far right conservative movement is expecting in return for appointments to the USSC. Assasination targets? 2006-03-17 16:00
3 Bystander wang fong: No, for that just look in the mirror. lol 2006-03-17 14:50
4 Bystander Think a $25 million dollar U.S. bounty has anything to do with O.Bin Ladens hiding out? 2006-03-17 12:12
5 Bystander gilbong wang: and yet you respond to it works like a charm. 2006-03-17 13:15
6 Bystander WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has acknowledged a specific death threat against her and her retired colleague Sandra Day O'Connor, blaming lawmakers for fueling "the irrational fringe." The odd thing is that I have seen these exact type of death threats against U.S. government officials posted here in Rantburg, often without dedaction from the "moderators" here. Is it because they support assasination of these officials because they dont expouse the agenda of the right wing fringe? 2006-03-17 12:25