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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 14.
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1 Zpaz Zenster. I will put my faith in the American people. You can put your faith in whatever gizmo gives you a woody. Nice religion that technology worship. Catch the fever! 2006-09-11 16:23
2 Zpaz The coming war with Islam Dude, you lost me coming out of the gate. In case you haven't noticed, we have already been in that war for a while as Inside-Information-Person (IIP) has so "cogently" pointed out. Combined with a much more responsive military doctrine, our armed forces will project power in entirely different ways from all previous history. Phhhhhpth. Thanks, but no thanks for that pap Zenster. You are a genuine windbag. Rush now down to your local recruiting office so that you too can some day become an IIP and get your Army War College lobotomy. All that rubbish is just so without the will to use it. 2006-09-11 16:20
3 Zpaz Would you propose drafting men only Yes. 2006-09-11 15:59
4 Zpaz Forgot another of the Bush administration's major accomplishments: the ramping up of special forces was accompanied by having a Spec Ops guy as Chief of Staff of the Army now. Oooooooh! Another coup de reorg. Take that Osama. By the way, how is the Osama Hunt going inside information person? Us chillin's wanna know. Have you tagged the old boy yet? Why not sick some Network Centric Warfare on him? That'll do the trick. Can he be found on Blue Force Tracker? He is the one in the white turban. 2006-09-11 15:48
5 Zpaz continued interchanges That's the ticket. Cultural interchanges. Where cars can get off one cultural highway and onto another. Sounds a bit left-wing touchy-feely, but hey, I am game. Ummagosh, we are so gonna win. A draft is not necessary and not politically feasible You guys always prat on about doing battle with the left wing. I see no better way than to institute a draft. Just think of all the possible "interchanges" in boot camp. "Drop that Cappuccino maggot and give me 20!!" 2006-09-11 15:37
6 Zpaz You haven't got a single clue about what I am doing in the WOT or have done in support of our national security for decades Did I miss the newsletter Dude? Or should I say Dud. Or are we back to talking about horoscopes? 2006-09-11 15:19
7 Zpaz my son has probably know more soldiers lost in this war than him, unfortunately Is that the criteria for passing judgement on combat operations or lack thereof? How large my personal body count is? Are you Cindy Sheehan? Do you have absolute moral authority because your body count is higher than mine? Would you like a badge? Would you like a National Defense Service Medal with Maple Leaf Cluster for each body so we can know the superiority of your arguments before you open your mouth. 2006-09-11 15:18
8 Zpaz That includes economic impacts on us (directly and via the international markets) and political and geopolitical effects (including whatever influence we can exert on the creation of new international structures to replace the eroding post-WWII alliances). Could someone please translate this mush for me. Dude, I humbly bow down before your superior jargon. I am now utterly and completely convinced by your arguments from authority and inside information. If only I were in the know, I would be in the know, you know. The inevitableness is washing over me as we speak. Enjoy your Long War or whatever you choose to call it tomorrow. I hope you get that promotion and nice big fat pension. Us dumb citizens will sit this one out and just shake our heads. You obviously have this one in hand. Everybody move along, the professionals are here to save us. 2006-09-11 15:10
9 Zpaz Enough. Screw all the maudlin 9/11 sentimental rubbish. Here is my strategy for winning: 1. Ask Congress for a declaration of war on Afghanistan (no mistake), Iraq (no mistake), Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lybia, Egypt and nuclear Pakistan. This forces Congress to say yea or nay. Which in turn forces the people to decide what exactly it is we are doing. It will put the decision in the people's laps and not the cabinet's. Put your faith in the people. Yes or no. Are we in a war or not. If not, you bring the troops home. If so, we have our mandate to crush the enemy. 2. Re-institute the draft. I don't want an Army of professionals. I want amateurs. Pissed-off amateurs who had to leave their homes and families. They will force a short war because the political heat they will bring to finish will be unbearable. ALL must share the burdens of the war. Give every segment a stake in the battle. 3. Boots on the ground everywhere in the millions. 4. Any resistance. Rubble. This must be our stated strategy from the beginning. Make it a fact on the ground that no outside Euro ankle biter can fight. They will get used to it. Impose our will face-to-face man-to-man. No retreat from harsh measures. 5. Only drafted, censored Army Journalists on the ground. 6. Screw smart weapons. The biggest fallacy we live by is that war can be won without slaughter. Any resistance and pull the troops out and bring in the B-52's with dumb bombs. Then send the troops back in. Make them bleed, not us. 7. Impose our will. Piss on the Koran. You will see how fast it will all end. When the country has come around to my way of thinking and it will, I'll be waiting with my pea-shooter wearing my adult diapers. 2006-09-11 14:36
10 Zpaz shape the battlefield until it favors us Sigh. Thanks for the meaningless jargon. this Administration has put MARINE generals in charge of Strategic Command (!!!) and our interface with NATO. Yes, I do believe I hear the Mullah's knees knockin' over this decisive and brilliant reorganization. Take that Ahmadinigaderoo. managed to plant small but sufficient bases in the 'Stans We were doing Ops from the Stans in 2001. You site that now as progress. Gimme a break. 2006-09-11 13:47
11 Zpaz It is inevitable that this phase of the Long War would be one of slow grinding attrition How so? Explain to me this inevitabileness. Did I miss that in GWB's horoscope? Are the Mullahs being attrited? The Madrassahs in Pakistan? The Imams in Saudi? We are not engaged. They all have a secure base of operations. All I see is us that it is being attrited with our elites cheering all the way. In 2001 we chose to walk all over the Taliban. In 2003 we chose to walk all over Saddam. And you say we are somehow not prepared for war and need "restructuring". What a hoot lotp. Since 2003 we have lost our will and have chosen to fail. Bugger that. tech would be a key force multiplier our all-volunteer professional military Do you actually believe that jargon? You should write pamphlets like that and send it to the Mullahs. You are utterly brain-washed. The guys on flight 93 knew more about fighting than you ever will. It ain't about tech. It is about will. 2006-09-11 13:37
12 Zpaz Charlie Foxtrot is the phrase Steve. And who cares if it was not pretty? Kosovo passed the one and only test that matters. We imposed our will on the Serbs. They capitulated. Five years on, have the Mullahs capitulated? Has Hezbollah? Hamas? The Muslim Brotherhood? Al Qa'eda? The Taliban? We have achieved nothing. Are you truly satisfied with our current status-quo muddling strategy? I'm not. I am outraged. 2006-09-11 13:12
13 Zpaz Good to see you .com. As for my fellow Chicagoan, are the current results acceptable? It has been five years and what has been accomplished? We are stuck on Guadalcanal and we are spent. GWB is now unable to move anyone. The Democratic campaign to stick it to Bush has had one victor - the jihadis. The lesson I have learned, is the war can not be successfully prosecuted without the Democrat's support. The Republican willingness to fight counts for nothing because the Democrats refuse to be led. On the contrary, they are actively fighting for the enemy. This is a national disaster. And why should they follow? What is the Republican strategy for winning? Democratization has failed. I see no successor. "The Long War"? What the hell is that. It never needed to be long, but now it is. We are now in the worst position possible. No one fears us. The board is cleared for Iran and the jihadis and every fifth column in the West. Nothing has been learned in the past five years. We would have been better off doing nothing. All our enemies are strengthened. The goal of war is not to commit genocide or reduce the enemy to rubble, it is to impose your will on the enemy. Have we done that? No. We never will with one hand tied behind our back. That hand must be freed. That hand will never land with a roundhouse until the Democrats fear for their lives. In the end I am not looking for the Democrats to take power and exercise it as is, I am looking for their very transformation in the core of their souls when disaster strikes. If you think they are hopelessly stuck as is, then we are all lost. We can not fight without them. Without them, we might as well declare defeat and go home. The Democrats must transform. It can only happen if they are in power. I intend to vote straight Democrat as an act of war. 2006-09-11 12:55
14 Zpaz The day after 9/11 I wrote down on a piece of paper the governments that must fall. Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lybia, Egypt. I keep that paper in my wallet to this day with its two miserable check marks. We stalled on step 3 and are stuck in mid-war. We are stalled by our own elites in my opinion, not by the jihadis. Whether by design (the left wing) or by failure to lead well (the right wing), we are stuck. Since our elites are not capable of winning the war, I have signed off on defending them. Why defend people who will not or can not defend you? The left is blind to the threat and can continue to be since the Bush Administration has prevented another attack on US soil - a minimal requirement of national defense that ultimately does not win the war - in fact quite the opposite. It simply allows the left to say "See, there is no threat!". The left will not get in the game until they see that the jihadis mean all of us dead. They must feel it in their gut. They must fear for their lives. That will only happen if we are attacked again. GWB, for all his guts is not up to the rhetorical challenge of the day. Thus, I say let the terrorists come. Let them do their worst. That's right, bring it on. To quote a violent fanatic from some other war, "I, John Brown, am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land can never be purged away but with blood." Only if our elites can mobilize all of us with a coherent ideology, coherent goals and country-wide participation, will I rejoin this war. Add one more government that must fall. That would be ours. Let the Democrats win the next election. Let them be responsible for formulating a winning strategy. And when they fail, well, maybe they will pull their heads out of the sand. Only with the Democrats and the -dare i say it - moonbats on board do we have a chance of winning this. Allow me this last heresy, but I believe we can not win without Hollywood kicking ass and taking names. That's right, we need those talented propagandists on our side, not the jihadis. Otherwise, go ahead and buy your prayer mats. 2006-09-11 11:27