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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 7.
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1 wxjames Be still my mean we actually have a government willing to finish what it started ? An army off the leash ? We must've turned some corner while I slept. We went from surealistic bullshit war blather to actual killing and taking real estate. I must have awakened from a deep, prolonged nightmare. 2007-05-22 13:16
2 wxjames These people are cowards. Hugo has stolen their democracy, and they are protesting ? Get some weapons and start killing his police and such you cowards. Buy a clue, you won the last election, but Hugo did the vote counting. You've been duped ! 2007-05-22 09:50
3 wxjames Hey, the bitch prolly had it commin. 2007-05-22 09:45
4 wxjames Are there any debates scheduled during this time frame ? It would be fun to boo the shit outta McCain and Brownbeck over this fiasco. Like Ron Paul before them, they are toast. Now there are 7. 2007-05-22 09:38
5 wxjames The countdown on Pakistan is further along than I had immagined. Will Paki last the year out ? 2007-05-22 09:28
6 wxjames No truce, commence blind shelling, hooah ! 2007-05-22 09:12
7 wxjames I just realized that my dentist looks like MM. Now I know why I drive 35 miles for dental work. 2007-05-22 09:05