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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 3.
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1 Aris "Aris, there's no question Candidate Obama is highly intelligent and hard-working." There's no question for me that he's intelligent and hardworking -- but Rove had called him "lazy" and a Clinton surrogate had said Obama was trying to "shuck and jive" his way into the presidency. So this is another of one of those occasions, where people attack him in contradictory ways. "prejudiced against those whose life experiences were less privileged than his" I thought that being prejudiced against the poor was considered a conservative virtue? Are you praising him or condemning him for this attitude? On my part I've never seen a privileged person that doesn't believe he deserves his place in life, so I certainly have no doubt that what you're saying about Obama's prejudice is true -- same as it's been true for every other politician ever, in the history of the universe. As for his beliefs regarding "people of pallor" I'm honestly not worried about black racism taking control in America -- even if Obama had been another version of Mugabe (which he's not), America isn't Zimbabwe. "In the eyes of every Obama supporter, this cover supposedly depicts how literally everyone not part of the "in, lefty, cool-kid, I'm so very smart" crowd looks at the Obamas." You can't have it both ways, kid. You can't both be using words like "terrorist fist-jab", and at the same say that we're being arrogant elitist leftists when we're saying you are trying to present Obama as a terrorist. Fact is you have been trying to do that: far before the "leftist elitist" meme you're now trying to push, there was the "angry black man" meme and even earlier, there was the "secret Muslim terrorist" meme. Those of us with recollective ability of more than 2 minutes remember these quite well -- even though they don't mix very well with each other and your own memories are forced to eject each earlier attack meme before you reproduce the current one. 2008-07-14 09:15
2 Aris Yeah, Obama's a latte-sipping elitist Black Panther -- he's also a naive inexperienced idealist who has mastered the dirty Chicago machine, and in addition he's an Islamofascist who's a fanatical abortionist. 2008-07-14 08:03
3 Aris Actually I think the lefties see the righties seeing them like that -- and they're obviously correct in their perception (of the righties, not of Obama). 2008-07-14 07:53