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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 4.
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1 Jack Nasty Meandog this crap happens in GWB's Saudi sewer. Yet that supposed filled-with-the-spirit Born Again Christoid, NEVER criticizes the Saud terrorist entity. Why? He is owned by the Saud Royal Cockroaches. You dare to doubt my rock scribed truths? Then what has the Bush White House (Mecca West) done for the oppressed Christians in Egypt, Lebanon, and in the West Bank and Syria. Not a damn thing. Yet his State Department pours millions into Muslim political action groups. Saud financed mosques on US soil spew anti-semitism and genocide activity against Jews and Christians. Bush sees nothing wrong with that. FOR A SAFER TOMORROW, DEPORT A MUSLIM CARPET HUMPER TODAY. 2008-10-28 17:55
2 Jack Nasty Meandog This only issue: his color. 2008-10-28 17:49
3 Jack Nasty Meandog I am the meanest SOB in the valley, and ONLY I get it right here. W is a faith based under thinker, whose alcoholism fried his intellectual capacity. He has been a lousy President because his crippled brain inhibited him from identifying the enemies who should have been killed since 9-11. There has not been enough killing; I would like to see more. Iran needs to look like the Moon. If the sheep elect a President who can't see that, then the righteous need to rule from below. We need to destroy all the Smart Bombs and dust off the nukes. If you don't get it, then smack yourselves in the head. That is an order, and you are conscripted as soldiers to the necessary slaughter. Get meaner, or get out of the way. WEAPONS CURE EVERYTHING. BULLETS NOT TEARS. 2008-10-28 17:46
4 jeruy шкафы купе кожаная мебель кухни кухонная мебель кабинет руководителя кабинет для руководителя офисная мебель мебель диана диван угловой мягкая мебель офисные кресла кресла для руководителя мебель на заказ офисная мебель москва офисная мебель персонал компьютерные столы 2008-10-28 06:22