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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 3.
 Posted byTextDate/TimeIP
1 Woozle Elmeter 2700 Zbig and his pal Jimmah need to be disposed of in same manner as Jimmy Hoffa. Clean, thorough, final. They've caused trouble well beyond their intellectual capacity. 2008-12-30 18:42
2 antaroToryPet hello it is test. WinRAR provides the full RAR and ZIP file support, can decompress CAB, GZIP, ACE and other archive formats. mvcmyhowxmvkoidhaizkbvkhxpggauegkdqhello 2008-12-30 16:07
3 Sneting Trotsky1184 FREE Streaming TV Shows, Movies, Music (over 6 million digital tracks), Unlimited Games, Money, Books, and College Educations (Stanford, Oxford, Notre Dame and more) 2008-12-30 12:02