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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 5.
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1 hunterkiller Another bull shit "news" from the cocksucker in chief 'Editor of this shitty blog Fred the senile fagott patriot of the irrelevant reds necks southern toohless litle shit that want play soldiersÂ… Fuck you readers of this shitty blog if you want play soldiers joint the Army or are you all a bunch of old irrelevant Southern trash like your dear leaders all talk and no autions CALLED THIS NUMBER 956-795-2800 WAS TOLD TO ASK FOR JOE BAEZALL was told he was a field agent, turns out he is their Public Relations liason. I GOT A HOLD OF SARGENT PEREZ (FEMALE) SHE SAID THAT THIS LOCATION, THE SUPPOSED LOCATION FOR THE INCIDENT, WAS OUTSIDE OF THEIR JURISDICTION AND THAT EVERYTHING IN LAREDO PROPER WAS NORMAL. SHE GAVE ME THIS NUMBER: 956-523-4408, THIS IS TO THE WEBB COUNTY SHERIFF'S DISPATCH OFFICE, I SPOKE TO A DEPUTY TIJERA (FEMALE ALSO) * ahem just making the note so if anyone calls they will not ask for a mister * DEPUTY TIJERA SAID NOTHING WAS ABNORMAL AND THAT THIS REPORT OF THE LOS ZETAS WAS INTERNET RUMOR AND THAT THEIR PATROLS WERE NOT CONDUCTING ANYTHING OUT OF THE ORDINARY. SHE SAID SHE DIDN'T KNOW WHERE THE STORY STARTED BUT AFFIRMED AGAIN THAT IT WAS ONLY RUMOR. THANK YOU AND THATS ALL FOLKS. Sources sighted, numbers given for reference. If you feel the need to verify these statements then do so but nothing is going on in Laredo. If you examine the examiner report it is cut from the digger report and other information is added. These reports are being given out to cause reaction and give their authors names and give them a sense of credibility. Internet rumor and lies is what it is as they try to fire up patriots into doing something stupid. Please verify and confirm if you need to as again the source are provided. Thank you and GOD Bless. 2010-07-24 19:14
2 Shipman SINK THE TIRPITZ, SINK THE TIRPITZ [Bismarck]....." + THE GORGE-BUSTERS. d00d! Now you just know they'd be coming outta Anderson..... rolling in low, a sitting duck, big ugly fat fuckers, going up the gorge, wouldn't stand a chance in hell against the commies, well, not much of a chance, unless the pilot was good, real good,it would be hard, real hard, but sure, barrelling in at 40 feets, could he make it? Hell yes! BOOOOOOOOOOM! You damn straight he could make it. 2010-07-24 04:56
3 Shipman I swear Joseph, every test you've passed, ever cap you've banged. Daddy Alan would be proud. 0/ Guam and AI! 2010-07-24 04:50
4 Shipman the biggest thing is the annual red salmon run — it happens to be the biggest one in the world They're striking at our vitals! 0/ Salmon 0/ Periwinkle too 2010-07-24 04:44
5 Shipman It's the RAB Phil, nothing can be done. If only those B-52z over Cambodia had been remotely controlled.... :( 2010-07-24 04:41