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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 3.
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1 Dribble2716 How would you like to be an American soldier or Marine being sent into Libya with a lot of French "guidelines"? And maybe John Kerry to help you with your gear? And not a EUroweenie soldier or Arab soldier in sight? Do the French actually HAVE a military? And which Moslem country is capable (or even in existence) to provide so much as a camouflage jock strap for the cause? Get real, the Libyans are going to have to do the fighting and the entire West (including Barack Hussein) are feckless. IF the Libyans cant clean their own house themselves let's just make some money off of them and sell them some guns in exchange for future Oil deals. Let Libya be divided up into competing fiefdoms of Moslem cannibals and set them on one another indefinitely. Peace and brotherly love is a waste of time in Moslem countries. Take a look at the Prophet(PBUH) if you really want to see a Moslem being a Moslem. Sixteen wives and a political buggerall with a BS religion humping to stack on the Jihad. And the entire Middle East is covered with garlic and grease. NONE of them are your friends. We actually have the French for "allies" and the shortest list in the world is a EUropean roster of war heroes. The US deserves Obama and when you look deep into Nancy Pelosi's eyes you see the promise of things to come. If you have any other questions Obam's mother was a real multi-cultural peach,so invite her over and have YOUR kids sit in her lap. 2011-03-19 06:21
2 Dribble2716 Why does one get the impression that Obama is an overflowing cup of egg custard? Why dont we just openly and honestly say it out loud...."Listen you Libyan monkey son of a biych, you either take the bus or we are going to take your country away from you and feed you to the the dog". Why IS it when you hear the phrase from a politician:"Let me be clear" that he's just waving his pencil? And as for the French...they want the US to do the work and pay for it too so they, the French, can sit around on each other's faces. And the Brits can go , "here , here!" 2011-03-19 05:50
3 Dribble2716 You know, its suddenly occurred to me that these are ALL Moslem countries with Moslem values. You dont suppose that might have something to do with the fact that they are all killing one another and there isnt any real freedom for anybody? And why DO they put bags on their women's heads? Tell me again. Is it just one of their colorful customs? Or is it somehow deeper than that? As the French say" What is Islam's final existentialist position?" 2011-03-19 05:33