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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 12.
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1 Dribble2716 America is never going to just sit on the porch with a bucket of Granny's fried chicken, lookin' at the vistas of the Blue Ridge while we scratch the dogs ears beside the rocking chair, Procopius. We are gonna sell billions of dollars of Aircraft parts and GPS guided bombs and Patriot Missile systems to our friends from one end of the earth to the other and curse the weak and the nasty who eat snails and beg for shoes. We will loan them loads of money to pay US for these weapons and we will make sure the local leaders will "someday" allow their people to vote for who we approve of.... Meanwhile they will do the drugs and wash their clothes in the ditch. And Momma will watch the soaps in New Jersey and Missouri and Uncle Buddy will drive the schoolbus part time. And nothing lasts forever, for in the real world you better have a little money or a gun (on you, not at home in a drawer) if you want to get your gas tank full. It isnt going to get any better than this. trust me. 2011-03-27 10:36
2 Dribble2716 Does anyone know where Zarquawi is buried? I mean after we found him alive and coughing up blood and put him in the ambulance and the "medics" put a big pillow over his face. What happened to his gloriously martyred remains after that? PBUH and all that. And did anyone put up a respectful headstone on Saddan's grave and put up a little fence so the village dogs dont piss in there anymore. I heard the dogs lift their legs when ever they hear the phrase Allahu Akbar. Somebody should "do something." 2011-03-27 10:18
3 Dribble2716 Here, let me help you with that, Abdrool. 2011-03-27 10:08
4 Dribble2716 Imran Khans party to block NATO supplies (translation) "Pay me!" What do you bet we can buy this guy? I say buy someone close to the family too. And his soup taster as well. Is the ENTIRE CIA just mowing their lawns in Fairfax these days, or what? What are we paying for from the CIA? Are they all busy waxing and buffing Obama's balls? I mean, do we still have an entire office of nasty guys who slowly push sharpened pencils into your optic apertures or dont we? Did they fire everybody with a wet towel, a roll of duct tape and a bucket of water or are some still on the payroll.? 2011-03-27 10:06
5 Dribble2716 Let me see if I can get this right. The Palestinians fire a rocket they cant guide effectively because its made largely with ju-ju and camel piss (PBUH) out of Moslem technology in Arafat's pay toilet. BUT they fire it at Jewish civilians with their best wishes and then they run and plead that they are just victims and have a pefect "right" to defend themselves again nasty Yids who have very effective artillery and computers and fighter Jets with GPS bombs. (makes sense to me, how about you?) But its a war CRIME if Israel targets some Palestinian Hamas kitchen through the window on the left (because they CAN)...and the "innocent civilians" are all Hamas eating goats eyes and looking at maps while they chew and swallow. Right? The Palestinians arent the sharpest tools around. They never heard of Darwin. Would it really surprise you if the Israelis kept the Settlements coming until the West Bank was one big Yiddish market? Would it surprise you if there came a day in the future when the only Palestinians left were homesteading in the Amazon Basin? Would it surprise you if a generation from now there were a dusty old book back in the reference stacks which mentioned the Palestinians in a footnote for Israeli Mall construction in Damascus? Its all gonna end someday, and Arafat's Tomb will be paved under a parking lot for the Zion Vets Assoc. And Golgotha will be a Bus station Cafeteria where the German and American tourists can get a Coke and a ham and bratwurst sandwich. 2011-03-27 09:45
6 Dribble2716 Now it IS true that I am paying about $3.50/gallon for gasoline and the EUroweenies are paying about $9.00/gallon. But that being said, I am enjoying this stuff in Libya immensely. Moslems killing Moslems and absolutely no end in sight. Obama being stomped to death by Moslem mobs in effigy. No plan and no leadership and everybody whining and pointing their fingers and the American people seeing Obama in action making "decisions" decisively as he plays golf in Rio. Hey, you elected the guy. How's that Hope and Changey stuff working out for 'ya there. And that Nobel Peace Prize for what, tell me again? Can you spell C.H.U.M.P.S, boyz and gurls? And the rainbow over the Greek columns and the vision of THE ONE nobly in profile gazing with grandeur into the Future. Obama is probably the greatest President the United States has ever had. And we can look forward to another glorious term in 2012 for the Master, if we are voters of discernment, right? Vote Hussein and Kill the Jewzzz.... has a nice ring to it as a Democratic Party slogan, dont you think? Only kidding. What WILL Obama run on then? His record? And the Libyan rebels are "winning"? Yeah? It aint gonna be OVER, kiddies, until KaDaffy is on the guthook and the Moslems are dancing around waving their socks..... free to install ANOTHER smiling El Jeffe. Its their culture. And remember The Ayatollah is watching you. 2011-03-27 09:22
7 Dribble2716 Look at that kindly face. Uncle Mullah is your friend. He's even the friend of all his friends out there in the street. And I particularly likes the part about leaving with "dignity". Its almost as believable as the average Arab getting his "respect" back. Dont they all wish.... Puff out their chest, shout "Its all Bush's fault" and Allahu Akbar and tear the Ayatollah's coffin to pieces for souveniers. And then line up to tour Arafat's Tomb and pay their respects to the blessed memory of Zarquawi with a song in their hearts. And as they slip into sleep in the evening hours when the moon is full they whisper Kill the Jewzz as they drift off to dreamland. I particularly like the little Moslem children playing martyr by stuffing explosives up their rectums and going to visit Sheik Abdullah in his office. And the public executions while the cameras role. Such a colorful culture. Does the truth offend you? What part of the Moslem truth offends you the most? Saying it out loud? 2011-03-27 09:00
8 Dribble2716 How does Habib differ from Hamid and/or Khalid? I mean, just roughly....? And I particularly likes the part about the Mosque steps...were there any pictures? And an 11 year old and a 16 year old. Really? Hahahahahaha. And Saddam not around anymore to award the family about a million dinars for them being martyrs. Good old there was a generous man when it came to martyrs. I am sure the Palestinians miss him....they are that kinda people. You ever listened to the sound of spoken German and thought of a big bowl of steaming worms? Arabic when its spoken full of words with lots of phlemn like al-QUDS and Nasssrrr and "by the soft lips of Arafat" and Death to Infidel Dogs, and shrieks of "Obama has BETRAYED us".....well from an AUDITORY point of view Arabic is one of those languages that are a lot like blowing your nose between your thumb and forefinger. Even if you dont understand a word they are saying you know its mucus and goobers from the back of a very big nose....and a few other things. 2011-03-27 08:43
9 Dribble2716 Our courageous Fwance is "recognizing" the Rebels? ALL of them or just some of them? ( Now, boyz play nice.) Its a golden opportunity to recognize just "some" of them and label the others as whatever we can stir with a sick. Then supply "some" of them with old Tokarevs from the Russian Civil War and the ammo from about the the time of the BanglaDesh rainy season and wish them a hearty have at thee. And keep that cooking until they all have nasty grudges and are willing to pay us for enough grenades to stuff in each other's kaffiyehs for about the next ten years....just so long as we have at least one port and a pipeline, to make it worth our while. And then the Moslems of Libya can gitch gitcha yahyahs all they want. 2011-03-27 08:25
10 Dribble2716 An "unspecified" number, you say. How MANY is that is grickles and dimes? Just roughly.... And I have always wanted to know what the colorful name "hamid" actually means. It isnt short for the name Hammy, is it? Of course in Karzai's case it might mean "sausage face" but then so many Moslems seem to have those sorts of noses. I know Arafat had one.... and those ...big... soft.... lips ...too. You remember his soft lips dont you? 2011-03-27 08:14
11 Dribble2716 Does this mean that we are to expect MORE Moslems killing other Moslems? What a shame. Is there no end to this tragic madness? Moslems in black turbans and beards killing each other. Kidnapping, extortion, bombing their own schoolchildren and blowing up the markets full of helpless burqua shrouded mothers shopping for their meager meals? Its all Bush's fault. Would it help if the Soccer Moms in Long island all put bags on their heads and gave up the Golden Labs and the SUVs? Perhaps if we closed all the schools for girls and shot a few nuns? And if everybody in Massachusetts and California said Alam-aleikam (roll those L's off the glottis with feeling) sincerely with all their hearts. We must all remember that Islam is the Religion of Peace and that all they are saying is Kumbaya, if we will JUST listen. And if we would all just stop being Infidel Dogs the world would be a better place. 2011-03-27 08:05
12 Dribble2716 I recommend Hillary Clinton get the International Monetary Fund to print a whole LOTTA money off the presses and get into Sudan immediately and start handing out dollars to all those poor boogas so they can buy as much Camel dung as they NEED to repair their huts and put Locusts on the table for their starving (WHY are they always starving?) children. I mean I know the score, I saw the pictures in National Geographic. Why those people dont even have cars. But they DO seem to have a ready supply of AK47s for some reason. And they have such colorful customs featuring knives and camels and ullulations of Allah Akbar. I think Hillary owes them an explanation (at LEAST) of why they are so raggedy poor and why everything on their bare feet smells so bad. 2011-03-27 07:29