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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 1.
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1 de Medici "Thieves and dirtbags"....I think that just about covers it. Let's give a country to these people and encourage Moslem Values. Oh, you might say the Moslems are peaceloving and their pious and noble Religion has been highjacked by "radical militants"? Pull my finger. Islam is not your friend. And having a middle name like Hussein is just another way to say you were a sucker if you are thinking people named that can be your friend. Barack is Arabic for "Stick 'em up." The word Obama, however, is an African term for "polish my curly toed slippers with the oil on your nose." Let's all be tolerant and multi-cultural. Joan Baez does a tre- fabulous version of "Kumbaya". Gently swaying and looking up at the Messiah. While the vision of the Greek Columns are flowing like pale near beer across the vistas of your Liberal grandmother's paisley shawl. 2011-08-13 07:40