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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 5.
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1 Anonymoose Also note that futures speculation only matters in the spot market. The vast majority of oil is handled in enormous, fixed contracts with the major players, thus is significantly cheaper than the spot market, which only comes into play for those who aren't major players, or when the major players underestimate their needs. Which is why the major players spend so much time figuring out their needs to the barrel. And from there, the crude goes to the refineries who have taken fortune telling to a fine art, to figure out exactly how much gasoline, HHO, airplane fuel, etc. they are going to have to retool for. 2011-08-19 15:57
2 de Medici makes as much sense as "It's all Bush's fault". And there are lots of people who STILL knee jerk for that one. Bush gathered Mujees from at least ten countries and had them pay their OWN fares to come and fight in Iraq. And now they are stains out there in the sand today, we lost 3,000 ourselves ( about as many as we would have lost in traffic accidents on Friday nites down at the Base stateside....over ten years). And the Mujees lost ...well ask a Democrat how many poor unarmed Moslem civilians bought the farm they worked their turbans so hard for. And Zarquawi ( where DID they bury him, I forget) we did bury him, didnt't we? I would hate to think we didn't bury him...for some reason. But then they all look like that after a few months out in the sand. George W. Bush won that war, no thanks to the MS Media or the wanks in Massachusets and California...and you know...Guantanamo is STILL there. I wonder why ? And Saddam is GURRRKKK!. And Mookie is off in Qom in Iran beating his celibate with his nakba. Obama has fulfilled what he really IS. And political cartoons show Rick Perry dressed up like Jesus and standing next to a George Bush in a cowboy hat. If they hate him that bad in Donkeyland it must mean they are afraid of him. Obama IS going to lose even if a striped baboon ran against him. And the republicans will celebrate the inauguration with mercedes and furs and diamonds at about twenty galas all over DC. Then business will pick up within months. So will the Stock market. The French will hate us, of course. And we won't ( for some reason unknown to Bill Clinton) lend money to blacks in T-shirts for home ownership anymore ( its not racist its just good business)...especially when we see they have a Acorn in their ass crack and dont wear a belt. You want to stay alive? Dont say, "hello, Sailor" and suck your finger like a california Democrat. ( But the REAL question is: Does Nancy Pelosi smoke big cigars when she takes her shoes off? ) 2011-08-19 09:12
3 de Medici But...but...Obama is the MESSIAH...oh, I am so confused. Can you just imagine what they guy with an Obama bumper sticker is going through right about now? Three kids and a Lab retriever to support and no job. And if you are a college boy...hey, you wern't going to pay back that Student Loan anyway now were you? And if you are Black ( EXCUSE me "African-American") they foreclosed on your house two years ago and you never had a job anyway. But you DO have a T-shirt with Hope and Change on it. Try wearing that in the street and see how fast your neighbors comment....even though they have one too. And poor Obama has to come up with a Jobs plan and write that big speech for September....since he's not stupid and he knows Blah-Blah ain't gonna cut it anymore....what do you think he thinks about when he looks at that .38 in the bedside table drawer? Make no mistake...let me be perfectly clear.....let me say this about that... half of the American Electorate were S.T.U.P.I.D. and perhaps still are. Kimmie goes yachting and Obama is at Martha's Vinyard. And all the candidates in the GOP lineup are about as individually appealing as zoo animals in the monkey house. Congress is full of nutless clowns. I mean, really. And Reagan is dead. You know what this country needs...a Staff Sergeant in full battle rattle.... and a Platoon who can turn on a dime. 2011-08-19 08:41
4 de Medici Sanchez Santana was taken to a blacksmith shop the military used to interrogate suspects.( a regular thing apparently, someplace spacious where you can shut the door tight...and lots of nice tool..) Our sad Sanchez murdered: "Sicilia Ortega ( they put his head in a plastic bag and tied rubber bands around the collar of the bag ) the son of Javier Sicilia, a Mexican leftist writer and poet who is currently the leader of the Movement for Peace Justice and Dignity." We all need more Mexican Peace, Justice, and Dignity. But if you have to ask for it then its probably a sure bet there ain't much going around. Babbla espanol? the soldiers who took murderer Santana inside for "interrogation" heard screams and cries of pain for 30 minutes, presumably as Sanchez Santana was beaten. Reports suggest Sanchez Santana, since he was drunk ,probably died from aspirating his own vomit as he convulsed during the beating. Who sez there is no Justice? Do YOU feel sorry for Santana? I kinda would like to commend the boyz down at the 24th Military Zone of the 21st Infantry battalion, myself. Bartender order up 600 cold beers. After all Santana was a member of the the Cartel Pacifico Sur, which is a part of the Sinaloa Cartel.And he DID murder a man by tying a plastic bag around that man's head while he was tied to a chair...and then stood there ....and watched. But none of this reminds me of the Virgin of Guadalupe, now how about you? SO, let's sing a few verses from " I still like the Chili they make in Mexicali." 2011-08-19 08:01
5 de Medici "Ismail Radwan, a senior Hamas leader, condemned the "massacre in Rafah" and told Ma'an that "this crime won't stop the resistance and won't stop all Palestinians." He added that Hamas was taking every relevant action following Israel's threats." Actually, its a blessing from God when you have enemies who drool and are this stupid. Hunting pigs is a sport of sorts, you have to take the risk of going into dense brush after something which has a brain maybe a third or less of your own... and you can usually smell them before you see them. Plus you get to eat them after you kill them. Although no one wants to eat a fried and butchered Palestinian. (For yea Allah is wise and beneficent.) 2011-08-19 07:04