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2006-05-30 Iraq
Update on the attack on CBS journalists
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Posted by Dan Darling 2006-05-30 01:55|| || Front Page|| [14 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 I have to say it pisses me off that this attack will be remembered for the damaged baggage, not the troopers faithfully performing their mission.
Posted by Uneamble Jating3646 2006-05-30 02:53||   2006-05-30 02:53|| Front Page Top

#2 Kimberly Dozier, an American correspondent who has covered the war in Iraq for nearly three years, was taken to a Baghdad hospital for surgery.

Tells you something doesn't it? Why not an American facility? Why not 'being evac'd to Germany'? Given the best and most experienced medical personnel are in that route.

Yes, of course this will get sustained converage like the ABC anchor. Just don't expect any similar coverage of Iraqi journalist, particularly females, who've been kidnapped, beheaded, and shot for doing their job either. When the hand wringers pop up the number of journalists killed in theater, they'll certainly include the overwhelming number of Iraqis in the count, but they'll never acknowledge them in any way but as a slight aside.

"the most dangerous place on Earth right now, and we take every precaution,"

Once again, its the story not the truth that counts. Of course it is dangerous, but there are other places on the planet which people are dying faster. BTW - how many did we kill this past holiday weekend on the highway in the US?
Posted by Jumble Thromomble5864 2006-05-30 09:09||   2006-05-30 09:09|| Front Page Top

#3 Baghdad hospital

That would be an American military hospital on a base outside Baghdad. She has already been evac'ed to Landstuhl.

While I think she was one of the better TV reporters in Iraq, I was disappointed that every morning news show led with her being wounded. Not world events, military operations or even casualties, but the intense self absorption of the media.
Posted by ed 2006-05-30 09:48||   2006-05-30 09:48|| Front Page Top

#4 The newsreader on Good Morning America cheerily chirped that "American military patrols are a favored target of insurgents who are trying to get US troops out of their country". Grrrr...

And then they went right into HadithaHadithaHaditha.
Posted by Seafarious">Seafarious  2006-05-30 09:53||   2006-05-30 09:53|| Front Page Top

#5 Once again, its the story not the truth that counts. Of course it is dangerous, but there are other places on the planet which people are dying faster.

Right. Not too many first-hand MSM reports coming out of Mogadishu or the Wazoo hinterlands.
Posted by Xbalanke 2006-05-30 12:37||   2006-05-30 12:37|| Front Page Top

#6 Great checkpoint. Didn't even check out the cars parked near it in basic self-defense.
Posted by KBK 2006-05-30 16:02||   2006-05-30 16:02|| Front Page Top

#7 While I think she was one of the better TV reporters in Iraq, I was disappointed that every morning news show led with her being wounded. Not world events, military operations or even casualties, but the intense self absorption of the media.
Posted by ed 2006-05-30 09:48|| Front Page|| ||Comments Top

Telling, very telling indeed.
Posted by Besoeker 2006-05-30 16:30||   2006-05-30 16:30|| Front Page Top

#8 Our local fish wrapper did the same, front page center above the fold goes to the "Poor Newsies" page four, and considerably smaller went to the soldiers injured and killed, same place, same time.
Posted by Redneck Jim 2006-05-30 20:50||   2006-05-30 20:50|| Front Page Top

#9 Just before the explosion, Hussein Abdel Ghaffar, a bystander, saw a woman walking hand-in-hand with her 8-year-old boy along the street. After the detonation, the boy was gone. The mother, hysterical, couldn't find him. Ghaffar helped, and found the boy's mutilated body.

"The thing that stayed in my mind, and I will never forget it, is that mother who lost her kid," Ghaffar said. "I was only able to bring her the upper half of his body."

Until the muslims hunt these cockroaches down and kill them all....this will continue to happen.
Posted by anymouse">anymouse  2006-05-30 20:57||   2006-05-30 20:57|| Front Page Top

#10 What makes anyone think that this will ever end?

Islamic-driven terrorism against non-Islamic populations and sectarian violence within Islam are here to stay.

Posted by Jomong Ebbeck8983 2006-05-30 21:02||   2006-05-30 21:02|| Front Page Top

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00:02 C-Low
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23:20 RD
23:06 Frank G
23:04 Frank G
22:54 Frank G
22:46 RD
22:35 Frank G
22:31 Rafael
22:30 Frank G
22:28 Frank G
22:23 Frank G
22:22 Seafarious
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