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2007-03-28 Europe
Police knew Islamic radicals bombed Madrid ‘in hours’
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Posted by Seafarious 2007-03-28 00:00|| || Front Page|| [3 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 I suspected it within milliseconds only because that's how long it took me to wrap myself around the idea.
Posted by gorb 2007-03-28 00:36||   2007-03-28 00:36|| Front Page Top

#2 Pleaaaaaaaaase. One thing who is very clear on the trial is that it looks more and more like the official version is a bunch of lies.

You find:

-The two leads who led the police to arrests of Maghrebians before the elections (thus changing their outcome) have been planted. Both had been in aress thoroughly searched, nothing been found and then they magically popping up in police stations several hours later

-The unexploded backpack whose cell phone led to the arrests was like the ones who detonated: cell phone not connected to bomb and it contained shrapnel when of the twelve others contained it. If we are to believe the official version: the object popped up at 2am in a police station when police officers inventoried the evidence collected in one of the trains. Problem is that the bomb disposal experts had inspected every object twice and found nothing. Explanation from the chief of the bomb disposdal team: someone had picked up the backpack before the bomb experts arrival. Let's imagine this: you are in a place where several bombs have exploded, where every object is a potentiaml booby trap and you go around picking them before they have been inspected. Yeah right

-No analysis of the explosives in the trains was done so we are to suppose it was Goma2-ECO because of what was in the backpack. It only happenned a few weeks ago and was ordered by the court (ie not during the investigation). Guess what? The evidence had been washed with water and acetone. Howebver it had been determined (from dust from an extinctor) that there were components who are not part of GOMA2-ECO. And that is the explosive that one of the suspects (also a police informer) was trafficking with. Also the chief for Madrid of trhe bomb disposal teams has reiterated that the explosive had cut cleanly through the wagons like military-grade explosives do (middle grade explosives like Goma-2 let barbs). I admit the later is not a strong evidence. But if the people atrrested had Goma2 and what exploded was not Goma2 then where it is the connection?

-The chip in the cellphone of the backpack allowed the police to arrest the first suspects thanks to information from the phone company. execept that the information came hours later.

Now let's imagine all the possibilities there are few of them:

First hypothesis: It was an islmic bombing who didn't aim to regime change. It was just about hate against Spain for the Reconquista and about date being 30 months from 9/11. The investigation hae been sincere.

This doesn't hold water. We have all these leads popping up suddenly in places where an hour before there had been nothing, we habve these analysis of explosives who were not made or were falsified (the cupula of the Scientific Police unit has been indicted for it). But we also have the attitude of the suspects: suicide bombers had sense, not suiciding and trying to evade the police had sense. Sowing evidence everywehre like they did (the chip from the phone cell in the backpack came from the shop of a suspect) and then remaining in place like sitting ducks does not make sense.

2d Hypothesis: It was an islamist bombingœ. Did not aim tro regime change but then then investgation was falsified in order to get arrests before elections (even of innocents), manipulate public opinion and change their outcome.

I cannot dismiss this possibility. But tampering with elections this way has a name: high treason. Also in this case the "suicides" at Leganes and the death of a GEO (Spanish for SWATT ) appear as a conspiracy to keep the official version running
So we also have murder.

Third possibility: Islamists aimed to regime change. Investigation was sincere.

Then it is logic for authors to sow clues because they need to get arrested before the elections. Without these arrests Zapatero would have been defeated. Except that we still have backpacks popping whetre there was nothing, empty vans who suddenly fill with explosives and coranic tapes, falsified analysis of explosives so I cannot believe the investigation was sincere.
Aslo what chhnged the outcome of elections was not the bombings but the conjunction of three factors: bombings, opportunately timed arrests, an intense agit-prop campaign launched by the all powerful MSM group Prisa (linked to the socialists) with "spontaneous" assaults to the sieges of the Popular Party and lies fropm Prisa about suicide bombers having been found. So for the plan working it was not enough for then islamist to let themselves arrested, they also had to assumme that the socialists and Prisa would do the rest in the agitprop area. They would also had to account that police would leak informations to the press in just the right moment instead of sending it to governemnt and keeping their mouths shut. It also required precise timing: arrests where made the day before the elections ie a day where by law Government and its Party could not makle declarations to counter the lies of Prisa.

Fourth: Islamists aimed at regime change. Investigation was falsified but socialist did not know in advance about the bombings.

Agsin we find that islamists had to assume that socialists and Prisa would do the rest. They also had to know that high ranked cops in strategic positions were not loyal to government and the law but would lie and cheat in order to benefit the socialist party. Agsin we find that in this case Zapatero is guilty of treason.

Fifth hypothesis: It was ETA or ETA in collaboration with islamists. Clues are planted towards Maghrebians.

Even if socialist were mere dupes (ie no contacts before or after) it would cause them a considerable political damage since Spanish public had been duped at elections. In this case ETA would have been able to blackamail
Zapatero. Coincidence: Zapatero hgas made huge concessions to ETA. Coincidence 2: Yesterday, an ETA's mouthpiece threatened the government to disclose the contents of apact between ETA and governement. Coincidence three: A few weeks ago Armando Otegui ETA's unofficial mouthpiece told: "The attempt to destroy ETA failed and resulted in 191 deaths". Number of deaths in teh bombings was 191. Coindidence: The same day and the same hour two cars loaded with explosives found themselves at the same place within minutes one of the other: one from ETA who was intercepted by the Guardia Civil and one of the islamist who wasn't.

Sixth hypothsis: Socialists knew in advance.

"When you have eliminated all what is impossible then all what reamins is the improbable". Sherlock Holmes. The official suspects were under police surveillance, their phones tapped and suddenlythree days before the bombings all surveillance was lifterd. Also some diguital media report on pages dated February 2004 a sudden gust of optimism bretween high ranking socialists and one of them telling "We have an electoral atom bomb who will shift the result". Notice that this is digital media so there is no way to tell if this page dated in February 2004 has not been written after the bombings.

Now I have set up the hypothesis. You decide.
Posted by JFM ">JFM  2007-03-28 08:20||   2007-03-28 08:20|| Front Page Top

#3 After a quick scroll past that excursis I want to express my complete indifference to the who-knew-what-when school of thinking. The correct course of action should have been obvious since the Moorish princeling was evicted in 1492. Hopefully it will not take centuries to relearn the lesson of Spanish retreat and surrender.
Posted by Excalibur 2007-03-28 10:23||   2007-03-28 10:23|| Front Page Top

#4 I already knew you are a racist, now I know without doubt you are a fool.

I will tel you why authorship of Madrid bombings matters.

It matters because in a war of terrorism the mùorale and politic factor is much more important than the actual battlefield and Zapatero hadnled a major moral and politioc victory when he withdrew the Spanish troops from Irak. You can bet that it gave a boost to Al Quaida and its recruitment (see, the infidels are already retiring")..

It matters because jihadists began to think they could topple governemnts with just a few bombs in the home countries. One day in Madrid, another day in... London.

It matters because te main ennemy in the WOT is not Al Quaida but the chic multi-cultileft. Now imagine the blow for it not only in Spaijn but everywhere if people learned that this chicleft has as a minimum falsified the investigation in order to win the elections or perhaps done even worse. Wouldn't do much good to anyone taken in photo with Zapatero.
Posted by JFM">JFM  2007-03-28 13:39||   2007-03-28 13:39|| Front Page Top

#5 JFM, here is the actual Sherlock Holmes quote:

How often have I said to you that when you heve eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?
Sherlock Holmes in "The Sign of Four" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1890

I'm obliged to share the next quote which I stumbled upon searching for the one above:

These are bagpipes. I understand the inventor of the bagpipes was inspired when he saw a man carrying an indignant, asthmatic pig under his arm. Unfortunately, the man-made sound never equalled the purity of the sound achieved by the pig.
Alfred Hitchcock

This latter one I shall have to commit to memory.
Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2007-03-28 14:34||   2007-03-28 14:34|| Front Page Top

#6 Most certainly, the threat is primarily domestic - for all western countries. The multi-culti-Tranzi-Stalinist-PC-Left IS the one allied threat that can bring them down, including the US, from within. No one can reasonably make a case for defeating the US militarily, for example, externally, but the writing is plainly on the wall for our slow-bleed death from within. The Return of the Dimmicrats and their surreal Agenda of Powermongering is a rather obvious sign.

This comment probably belongs on the thread where the ACLU is mentioned, but JFM's declaration regards these vermin and, indirectly, the entire array who support them (MSM, UN, etc) elicited it here. Thanks JFM - you're absolutely correct about where the real threat emanates.

Truth was the first victim in this ideological deathmatch. Islam is an ugly stain on man, but is only a showy irritating rash in the end. Far more dangerous to our way of life is that, thanks to the cretins mentioned above, trust, confidence, and faith followed close on the heels of truth.

Our moonbats and self-hating tools are not as proficient as the Paleo variety of institutional hate, for example, but it will be a very very long time before we recover some measure of peace... assuming the assholes are stopped and we survive.

Where oh where to begin... ACLU? So many biotches, so little time.
Posted by Varmint Thrasher4042 2007-03-28 15:47||   2007-03-28 15:47|| Front Page Top

#7 After a quick scroll past that excursis I want to express my complete indifference to the who-knew-what-when school of thinking. The correct course of action should have been obvious since the Moorish princeling was evicted in 1492.

So speaketh the leading ranker of the 101st Keyboard Regiment a.k.a. the Princess Patters...
Posted by Pappy 2007-03-28 21:39||   2007-03-28 21:39|| Front Page Top

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