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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 1.
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1 McZoid trailing wife: Fred posts a link; who says that means he agrees with it? He has posted jihadi stuff. Have some common sense. Why on earth do you get exasperated? Assuming 200 views per link - and many of those are from comebackers - that probably means about 50 people at best check out these pages. Only about 1 out of 5 posts reflect even a minute knowledge of global issues. Mod views might reduce the totals further. The world is approaching 7 billion people, ergo a handful of people with political opinions - most based on regurgitate and unlearned preconceptions - don't even rate a speck. Be aware that Rantburg rant is used as exemplary of political myopia. Proponents of the dumbing down thesis would have a field day with some jerk-spew that issues from wells of insipidity. Don't be food for those who treat you like primitive dolts. The apologists for the Tskhinvali Massacre Barrage, are no different than Nazi and Soviet toadies. FYI: Russia has a free and open internet. None of my material is suppressed there; lotp dumps most of my stuff here. That shows bad character. 2008-08-17 20:03