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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 6.
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1 w x james lotta pig banned me for this post. now i am getting even by telling indonesian, malaysian, pakistani student groups that this blog is run by retired intel agents. that's probably bs but you jokers make the claims. see ya wxjames Islam brings a whole new idea to the 'pursuit of happiness'. And, if it weren't so pathetic, this shit would be comical. I'm not sure that drinking bleach can be considered a sex act, but she is now clean and white, just like a virgin. Finally, I'm not 75 yet, but any 16 year old with a little muscle can beat the crap outta any 75 year old. 2008-08-18 21:49
2 not trailing wife My vaginismus scares away men. only toothless pentagon janitors will have me. cure me of skankdom 2008-08-18 21:45
3 Data Analys t lotpig: you do the banning. i make you as a toothless sack of shit who hasn't had a hard on in 30 years. Go fuck yourself. Ban me a second time and i will be back a second time you piece of worthless shit. not even good for fertilizer. 2008-08-18 21:43
4 wxjames Islam brings a whole new idea to the 'pursuit of happiness'. And, if it weren't so pathetic, this shit would be comical. I'm not sure that drinking bleach can be considered a sex act, but she is now clean and white, just like a virgin. Finally, I'm not 75 yet, but any 16 year old with a little muscle can beat the crap outta any 75 year old. 2008-08-18 12:49
5 wxjames Interestingly, Moore's sixth step was to denounce Michael Moore. For those of you who possess a logical mind, let me help you here. Realizing that he is a fat, weird, anti-American, opportunist scumbag, MM is aware that the only avenew to success is to denounce the scumbag. We all denounce him, and we are right sometimes. So, one step out of six is unquestionably correct. 2008-08-18 12:38
6 wxjames Perhaps, but only after we get a big carrot from Russia. 2008-08-18 12:23