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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 1.
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1 Dribble2716 You want to know what an Arab is? Take a look at Khadaffy's face. Look at it. THAT is the real Middle East. That is the Arab soul. Let's all trust our liberal ideas about "freedom" and "democracy", shall we? Those crowds and mobs of Arabs all calling for new regimes and for "freedom".....each person in those crowds and mobs (yes even the ones who are being shot in the streets) all eat camel meat and falafel.. And they all know about stinky old boots and Big moustaches because Dad actually was one and his son is growing a moustache and trying on the boots too. In Iraq freedom is "Arab" freedom. And in Afghanistab what are our goals? "Freedom"? Yeah? They all want to Kill the nasty Jews and they dont love you and they spit on your infidel mother. And The Egyptians got rid of a corrupt dictator and now they have a Military Junta. And the US is a vote present Pussy. And the EUroweenies are ( wait for it) EUroweenies. Am I lyin' to 'ya? And just what are YOU gonna get out of all this? $4.00 for gasoline for starters. And leadership for Hope and Change. You stupid sucker. Let's fire Rumsfeld, its all his fault. Go look in the mirror, what do you see? And you really want a thrill? Take time to smell the Jasmine, that should really make your day. Hope and Change....get some. 2011-02-24 06:29