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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 4.
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1 Dribble2716 Where is the obligatory paragraph blaming George Bush? Didnt Khadaffy come to the US and pitch a tent once? Why do I remember a tent somewhere? Naahhh. And Obama shaking Khadaffy's hand? Isnt there a photo of that somewhere? And Obama bowing to some Arab or other? Its so nice to hear that the Arab have gotten their "Respect" back. 2011-02-25 09:17
2 Dribble2716 The style and tone of this article might be described as "turgid". But it is nice to hear that the Arab has "woken up" and has gotten his "respect " back. It almost beats humping the furniture and shouting Rumsfeld's name in gibbering rage. And it is truly inspiring to hear that the Asrab League is making "meaningful decisions". It mentions hesitation and lethargy( and other Arab traditions) and "what Saddam Hussein actually did" and goes on to enumerate" unacceptable and illogical constraints". More acceptable than what, for instance, something as "meaningful" as putting velcro on the tight pants the child camel jockeys wear so they wont fall off at the races? Or the public executions for blasphemy? Arab Culture is so colorful. I particularly like the phrase "dignity of the average Arab citizen". Reading stuff like this is almost ,but not quite, as healthy as watching Japanese pornography. 2011-02-25 09:01
3 Dribble2716 I was "stalked by fear" once after drinking some Nescafe'. I was afraid I was going to be turned into a Newt. Nevertheless, its nice to hear that the Arabs have gotten their "respect" back. I hear Egyptians are proud to be "free" once more. Khadaffy Duck is going to wind up hanging on a guthook. Where is Mao tse-dung buried, by the way? ( how soon we forget the big guys, eh?) Khadaffy should be remembered, and he will be, I am sure. On a toilet door.... Anybody want to have an Office betting raffle on the date he gets his picture taken dripping on the hook? One more week? Two? 2011-02-25 08:19
4 Dribble2716 But no American's involved, right? Just Arabs? I am surprised the American Media even reported that much. It isnt news if you cant blame it on George W. A deadly "jacket wallah", you say? Sounds like we got the news thru' some Hindu news feed. And the guys name( who was the "blow-ee") was Hikmat? Obama should send him a get well card. Barak and Hikmat, has a nice ring to it, dont you think? 2011-02-25 08:00