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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 2.
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1 de Medici Moslems are starving and killing one another ? How did that happen? They need a "peacekeeping" force of about Divisional size? Yeah? I wonder why, that would imply that the "government" didnt somehow have the capability to enforce their own sovereign writ in their own country. Must have something to do with the Moslem values and the consistency of Arab efficiency matched with the capacity to organize something larger than a shahid clusterfook. But somehow starving Arabs out in the heat blazing away at one another and tearing into the women and starving children while they do it...well, what did you EXPECT from people with turbans on their heads? OH, look there's one with a distended belly and LOTS of ribs visible coming out of the Mosque even as we speak. Its all Bush's fault. Ask anyone. 2011-08-14 06:42
2 de Medici '' the violence has left more than 2,150 people dead, including more than 400 members of the security forces." Interesting numbers. It is probable that this is a recorded number and that there are a bit more on both sides. Still, as wars go the numbers are actually rather modest. For people who are "unarmed citizens" killing a battalion size number of "security forces" is quite an achievement. And the "protesters" have lost a single regiment of numbers. About what you would expect from a civilian force going up against professionals in uniform with a unified chain of command. For a whole country the numbers are almost trite, a mini Civil War. But taken from another perspective they are ALL moslems and they are all dead moslems. I am sorry but that just puts French Vanilla Cream in my coffee. And you say where is my yearning for hearts longing to be "free."? Its looking at Syrians ( we are talking about Syrians) who want to drive the dirty Juice into the sea. A whole country of them. Syrians are not exactly YOUR friends are they? The ENTIRE greaseball country ( all of it) isnt my friend either. Its sole interest to me is that its a Moslem country packed to the walls with Death to Amereeka pig cursing a jew haters, pure and simple.( I mean these people are no exactly suburban good morning, now are they ?) And they are killing one another while I sip my coffee. And when they stop killing one another they will go back to thinking about killing kaffirs and Jews. I dont have to be happy about Moslems killing Moslems, but I dont have to feel any sympathy either. Its what Moslems do to ONE ANOTHER a LOT of the time. It has something to do with their friendly religion of peace values. From one end of the Middle East to the other Moslems are whacking EACH OTHER. There is just something about being a Moslem across borders, it doesnt matter its wherever Moslems are, that they tend to gangbang and butcher the guy on their elbow. Its built in to wherever Allah has his backside. It has nothing to do with "freedom" or a "better life" or improving the world" for the children". It has more to do with yelling Ya Allah and kill the Jew and the Kufr down the long hall of their rather large Abdrool noses. Let's watch. 2011-08-14 05:40