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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 1.
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1 de Medici The man's name is "Weinstein"? And he has been captured by armed Islamists ( they are Moslems, you know). Ransom? BUT nobody has said a word about Ransom yet. The friendly Religion of Peace has been known to do a Danny Pearl on people named Finkelbagel and Weinstein. After all, the Koran does theologically affirm from the very mouth of the Prophet (PBUH) himself that all Jews are cursed apes and pigs. Ever notice that Moslems like to get old people who are unarmed social workers when they can? Mostly they stay away from the US Marines. Fallujah was full of Moslems who rotted in the patios or bloated half out the second story window so they necessitated being collected and thrown in the basement over on Zarquawi street until there was a fly problem with all the dead shahids down there. So finally the Marines just bulldozed the whole place over and smoothed it all out after a ton of Lye was dumped in there first ( to hasten things along)....and then they let in the Press who said the war couldnt be won. What was the score for Shahids against Marines in Fallujah. You dont hear much about Fallujah anymore in the news do you?( for some reason). Dont tell me that killing people doesnt settle things. The graveyards in Stuttgart should have taught you that. Moslems just love to find an 80 year old ( preferably in a wheelchair) unarmed Jew. Makes their day. Its about the Moslem speed to get old unarmed jews but stay away from USMarines. The Marines arent in wheelchairs. Salaam Aleikum, MFs. 2011-08-15 09:18