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2002-08-26 East/Subsaharan Africa
Sudan sez they have to carry out barbaric sentences 'cuz the Koran sez so...
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Posted by Fred Pruitt 2002-08-26 10:17 am|| || Front Page|| [9 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 This is actually a major deal. No, not the fact that 88 poor slobs in the Sudan will die unjustly -- that's a near daily occurence. What's big is that Amnesty International is actually criticizing a Muslim country!

Any chance Amnesty could take a peek at, well, the mother just axed by some Paleo goons for being a suspected collaborator? Especially since the "evidence" was collected by the torture of her son, and turned out to be unfounded?

No, of course not. And Mary Robinson hasn't said a word, either.

Posted by Steve White  2002-08-26 15:14:20||   2002-08-26 15:14:20|| Front Page Top

#2 50 dead... sounds like many of the people facing the death penalty did some thngs that might get them in a lot of trouble here too. Crucifixtion is way over the top, but frankly if 50 people were left dead dead in my home town, I'd be just fine with seeing a few people swaying at the end of a rope for it. The methods are crude, and the legal system is crappy, and it has ever been thus. I hope the appeals process gives those people decent representation, and a number of them get reduced sentences. That said, executions will certainly make people think twice about deadly escalation of inter-tribal feuds.

Those who read Greek history might recall a guy named Draco, who dealt with a lawless situation in a rather similar way. To this day, people still argue whether he was over the top or the guy who laid the foundations of law and order that allowed a greater civilization to emerge.

Steve, your comments re: Amnesty and Mrs. Robinson were bang-on. Except that I think the final number will be lower than 88, and I think some of them probably deserve to die. Hopefully, the final number and the deserving number will come a little bit closer together with international attention on the case.
Posted by Joe 2002-08-27 07:07:42|| []  2002-08-27 07:07:42|| Front Page Top

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