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Monkey County shooter a terrorist?
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Posted by Fred Pruitt 2002-10-08 09:57 pm|| || Front Page|| [7 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 I wouldn't make fun of this dreadful situation for a second, Fred, but it seems to me that it can't be a Paleo -- they can't shoot straight. The jihadis don't handle firearms all that well, they don't handle grenades well at all, they don't have much in the way of fire discipline, and they don't seem to me to be the sort that would patiently stalk and snipe.

I also don't think this is a beer-gutted camo-pants boy. Those types generally mutter to themselves. They'll bore you to death but they won't snipe you.

I'd suggest this person is relatively young (20's, early 30's max), struggling with personal demons for quite a while, and very likely to have had some U.S. military training. The ability to stalk and close, the clean shooting (one shot = almost always dead), the clean getaways, all suggest someone who at a tactical level has discipline and training. My money is on a McVeigh-type person.

I agree with you and Jennie that this is terrorism, all right.

Now we gotta catch this sucker.
Posted by Steve White  2002-10-08 22:45:41||   2002-10-08 22:45:41|| Front Page Top

#2 I certainly agree with your last statement. I think about this guy every time I go to work. I'm too old and fat and dignified to be dodging bullets.

There's nothing at all concrete to say it's a Paleo or a Pak jihadi; the style's not theirs - nobody barging in rolling his eyes and bouncing a grenade into the next room, maybe blowing a leg off in the process. It's just what something in the back of my mind is suggesting, maybe because I spend so much time on the subject.

My conscious guess is with the camo pants nut, pretending he's a real sniper, potting commies. "Ah quit huntin' deers 'cuz huntin' men is more manly." But again, he hasn't left a lot of evidence.

I don't think it's a kid - there's not enough drama and angst involved. I suppose it could be McVeigh without the boom, but if it is, I'll be surprised. Or it could be a giggling homicidal maniac, DiSalvo with a scope. About the only thing I'm pretty sure of right now is that he lives in Montgomery County...
Posted by Fred  2002-10-08 23:05:45||   2002-10-08 23:05:45|| Front Page Top

#3 Folks-- It appears your Camo-guy has left a calling card. The news said he supposedly left a shell casing and a Tarot card of death with something about "being god" scratched on it. Yes folks, we got another damn sicko on our hands. While I haven't been following this as closely as usual, it also appears he's changed guns. May be he started having problems with Gun #1 (he did start missing his clean kills,) or we got a copycat taking up the job. My gut says a closet McVeigh-type, male, between 30-40, trained either by the military or privately to be a sniper, socially alienated about something (aka he's got a deep bug up his b--- about something,) and had his weapons a long time. I'll do a little more reading and give you a better crystal ball reading in the morning. Mary Lu
Posted by Mary Lu 2002-10-09 05:22:48|| []  2002-10-09 05:22:48|| Front Page Top

#4 Here's a Fox News story on the Taro card. The Moose is not happy about that information being released.
Posted by Angie Schultz 2002-10-09 10:30:38|| []  2002-10-09 10:30:38|| Front Page Top

#5 I think the tarot card and the brag that he's God make it less likely he'd in the McVeigh age range. My Paleostinian feeling has evaporated, and I'll now be surprised if it's the guy with the beer belly and the camo pants. I'd guess the bad guy's between 18 and 24 - older than 24 most people have lost any illusion of their divinity.

Seems I spoke too early about the absence of drama and angst. If the tarot card's good data, he's probably closer to the Columbine kiddies than to McVeigh, though there's still the outside possibility he's a giggling psycho, sitting in his room and kissing his gun when he's not out shooting people. But based on our single piece of data, I'd guess 19 1/2, maybe a black trenchcoat or whatever else is currently fashionable with Alienated Youth®.
Posted by Fred  2002-10-09 12:23:05||   2002-10-09 12:23:05|| Front Page Top

12:23 Fred
12:17 Fred
11:44 Mike Cakora
10:30 Angie Schultz
05:22 Mary Lu
05:10 Mary Lu
05:10 Mary Lu
05:09 Mary Lu
01:06 Tresho
01:01 Tresho
23:05 Fred
22:45 Steve White
22:29 Fred
20:37 Anonymous
20:15 john rosevear
16:10 Dan Hartung
15:50 Dan Hartung
14:44 Steve
14:20 Steve
13:39 Hermetic
11:59 Fred
11:37 Steve
11:15 Raj
10:25 Robert Prather

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