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2004-05-23 Syria-Lebanon-Iran
Former hostage-taker appointed TV chief
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Posted by TS(vice girl) 2004-05-23 8:13:29 PM|| || Front Page|| [10 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Islamic devotion . . . check.
Approval of the Supreme Leader . . . check.
Hatred of Westerners . . . check.
Technical skills relevant to new job . . . ???
Three out of four ain't bad, I suppose . . .
Posted by The Doctor 2004-05-23 8:26:30 PM||   2004-05-23 8:26:30 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 I think Zarghami's appointment stands as a perfect indicator of just how far Iranian ideology has progressed since 1979.

Which is ... exactly zero.
Posted by Zenster 2004-05-23 8:39:02 PM||   2004-05-23 8:39:02 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 Make sense, in a "Sopranos" sort of way.
Put a guy in charge who (1) owes you and (2) is likely to be taken down if you are. You might say that circumstances give good ol' Ezzatollah some "incentive" to keep things quiet on the media front.
Posted by Old Grouch  2004-05-23 9:48:42 PM||   2004-05-23 9:48:42 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 Sheesh, talk about media-terrorist collusion. Here we have the literal fact. I wonder how much attention this will get from the lamestream media?
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2004-05-24 12:19:53 AM||   2004-05-24 12:19:53 AM|| Front Page Top

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