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2008-07-30 Home Front: Politix
The Obamessiah's Flirting with Slavery Reparations
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Posted by Ricky bin Ricardo (Abu Babaloo) 2008-07-30 00:37|| || Front Page|| [4 views ]  Top

#1 I predicted this a while back. This is what the Obama POTUS administration will look like. Remember Clinton was a New Democrat - centrist, you may say. But the first thing he did out of the gate was the Gays in Military kerfuffle. The same with The One - it will be his first and probably only order of business.
Posted by Jack is Back!">Jack is Back!  2008-07-30 08:29||   2008-07-30 08:29|| Front Page Top

#2 Rep Conyers (D. Michigan) has a bill on reparations that he's been polishing for the last 5 years. If Obama gets in and the Dem's have a majority in Congress, then they'll start drilling in your wallet.

Will Obama need to pay? His mom's side were slaveholders. Also, his Dad's side suffered no history of slavery since he came from Africa.
Posted by WTF 2008-07-30 08:33||   2008-07-30 08:33|| Front Page Top

#3 I am fully for reparations. Let voters of that party who fought nail and teeth for the perpetuation of slavery, later for KKK, who intrioduced segregation in Army and Navy (a such president Wilson) pay reparations.

Vote for that other party who abolished slavery and made possible Johnson's desegregation will be exempt of it. (in his own party Johnson had not the required support for laking segregation inconstitutional, it was the massive support of the other party who allowwed it)/.

Posted by JFM">JFM  2008-07-30 08:44||   2008-07-30 08:44|| Front Page Top

#4 He'll fund those reparations with the money he saves by disbanding the military.
Posted by RWV 2008-07-30 08:57||   2008-07-30 08:57|| Front Page Top

#5 So, my ancestors either came to this country as the original abolitionists, or after 1900, or were marched down the trail of tears. So who do I owe reparations too?

Goddamn fleecing of the American taxpayers for a minority cause again.
Posted by DarthVader">DarthVader  2008-07-30 09:28||   2008-07-30 09:28|| Front Page Top

#6 Sure. Any slaves still alive, give em the money.
Posted by tu3031 2008-07-30 09:58||   2008-07-30 09:58|| Front Page Top

#7 Wait a minute. The sons of the pharoahs are mad at the children of Abraham for keeping slaves?

This is just more divide and conquer smoke and mirrors. There's a reason our national motto is United We Stand, and an equally important reason that the politicos keep trying to divide us.
Posted by DLR 2008-07-30 10:50||]">[]  2008-07-30 10:50|| Front Page Top

#8 Coincidentally, or not), he's also 'flirting' with an examination of Presidential Executive orders. Quite frankly I've always been a huge champion of Reparations closely followed (within 24 hours) with of course, REPATRIATION!
Posted by Besoeker 2008-07-30 11:34||   2008-07-30 11:34|| Front Page Top

#9 I owe "black" people nothing, just like I "owe" native americans, irish, recent immigrants, gays, jews, catholics, zoroastians and any other aggrieved group precisely jack shit.

My wife's family came over to escape Hitler - how does she owe anything? My family came over and fought for the North in the Civil War - so how do we owe anything? Both our families have served the nation in the military, every generation since we arrived. And now they want to rob us to pay off imagined grievenaces from BEFORE we arrived?

Obama and his ilk want to take my hard won wealth (what little I have - you never get rich in the military) and hand it out to other people based on skin color for things that happened centuries ago --- this boggles my mind.

If Obama wants to cause a race war in the US, this is the fuse with which it will be lit.

Obama and his race mongering kleptocrats want to run the nation into one tribe against another, just like Zimbabwe - and let the tribe in power loot all the others.

Hell No, that is NOT going to happen, not on my watch. They want a civil war, they will get one over this.

Obama and the Congress bring this to law, "We the People" will eventually start shooting tax collectors, and if needs be, like in 1776, will work our way up to politicians - even the highest in the land.
Posted by OldSpook 2008-07-30 12:50||   2008-07-30 12:50|| Front Page Top

#10 IMHO:

If blacks want reparations, look in the mirror first. Its their so-called "black culture" that's the boat anchor on their asperations - glorifying gangs, creating and promoting false tribalism, the creation and tolerance of the whole "baby daddy" culture, trashing achievement of their own by thier own ("poindexter", "trying to be white"), calling each other "Nigger" "Ho" etc, blindly following skin color instead of their brains, unquestioningly supporting Poverty Pimps and Race Baiting hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, and then blaming white people for anything that goes wrong, accepting no fault of their consequences for their own actions.

They've sh*t their own bed and are crying about it instead of doing something themselves.

Work smart, educate your children, preserve the family and make it central to your culture (mother AND father), promote individual excellence, value and promote real achievement, save, invest.

How about making THAT the basis for the "Black" community - the way it is amongst Jews and Asians, who are, as a group, better off than even WASPs. There is your model, "Black" America. Change your values away from the tribal.

Posted by OldSpook 2008-07-30 12:54||   2008-07-30 12:54|| Front Page Top

#11 Well put OS.
Posted by Hellfish 2008-07-30 13:01||   2008-07-30 13:01|| Front Page Top

#12 To be paid in Zim dollars?
Posted by Besoeker 2008-07-30 13:38||   2008-07-30 13:38|| Front Page Top

#13 Ditto OS.

Don't forget that a lot of the 'black culture' is being fostered on them by Hollywood and the likes of MTV which glorifies the 'Gangsta RAP' type of culture of selfishness, irresponsibility, and the degradation of others.

Posted by CrazyFool 2008-07-30 15:11||   2008-07-30 15:11|| Front Page Top

#14 I'll agree to paying this IF there's two caveats about it.

1. Accepting the check means you are renouncing your US citizenship forever and you will be sent back to country of origin. You will never be allowed in the US again, under pain of death.

2. The total dismantling of all Affirmative Action programs. Race would be totally removed from all government documents.
Posted by Silentbrick">Silentbrick  2008-07-30 15:12||   2008-07-30 15:12|| Front Page Top

#15 My descendants were mainly from Ireland. I know the Irish weren't treated too well at one time. So I want mine too! Gimme, gimme, gimme!
Posted by Intrinsicpilot 2008-07-30 15:26||   2008-07-30 15:26|| Front Page Top

#16 More stupandering from the uniter "just words" obama.

Already went through this with senator brownback (r-bleeding kansas). Whites and Blacks have been slaves in what would become the United States. The United States was formed way after the introduction of slavery. Laws were put in place against the importing of slaves. The US navy ran slave ship interdiction along the coast of Africa. Africans themselves provided the slave market. Slavery was abolished after the loss of millions of lives. Liberia was established so that any former slaves had the option to return to Africa. Millions have immigrated to the US after the abolition of slavery.

So who would qualify? Big Oh wouldn't because his father, quite possibly a descendant of the slave gatherers, was from Africa. What percentage of "former slave" or "Native American" counts? Money would be paid by the government so then everybody is guilty including blacks and Native Americans and anybody else who has put tax money into the Federal Government.

There is no doubt in my mind millions of people of all races struggled to make the USA into what it is today. In less than 200 years this nation has gone from inheireted dependence on slavery to where we are today and that is unprecidented in the history of the world. Talk like this, especially from the presuming democrat nominee is insulting to all of their hard work.

Perhaps he would be better served noting Ludicrus, Diddy, and other 'artists' who make millions making strip club anthems. Since Columbia seems to be heading in the right direction perhaps he could point out the cocaine production associated with venezuela - somethin he knows more about. Coming from a guy whose father was in Hawaii as diversification project and whose education in an ivy league school was based on his unique background; astounding.

My wife noticed how much his voice influxes were like wright's during his visit to Germany (how was the Reichsportsfeld visit? Perhaps that would have been more appropriate than using a tribute to war as a backdrop, humm?) and now he is picking up wright's talking points.
Posted by swksvolFF 2008-07-30 15:53||   2008-07-30 15:53|| Front Page Top

#17 Everyone just needs to take a breath. This event took place on Sunday morning in Chicago. Compared to what was being preached in a dozen other churches across the southside of the city, for those that couldn't afford the $2300 contribution to hear the Real Messiah, this is really "middle of the road" oratory. I'll bet Rev Wright is POed about the competition for the timeslot. "Damn cracker Obama knows thats when I do my preachin".
Posted by Capsu78 2008-07-30 17:19||   2008-07-30 17:19|| Front Page Top

#18 Intrins,
15 My descendants were mainly from Ireland. I know the Irish weren't treated too well at one time.

Hey, my kin can top that... not only left Ireland to escape the oppressive Brits, but ended up fighting in Lincolns Army for 4 years of his 44 year life. Wounded at Cold Harbor, died and buried "in the cheap (irish) seats" in Arlington during its first week in business. He has some good irish neighbors though a couple of sections away- JFK and RFK.
I'm sure he deserves some rep's too for service to his adopted country... maybe funded directly from Jesse beer distributorships.
Posted by Capsu78 2008-07-30 17:25||   2008-07-30 17:25|| Front Page Top

#19 OS, you're dead on the money. The amount of anti-white racism spewed in this country these days is extremely worrisome. I've seen and read a goodly number of blacks and hispanics saying that whites are weak, can't fight, and will soon be in minority status. They're glorying in it. Many hispanics are openly stating that California and Arizona will be soon part of Mexico again.

If you look around, the anti-white racism is pretty widespread. The UK is the best example but France runs them a close second (we won't even mention the ethnic cleansing going on in Zim and SA). Governments in those countries and here fawn on separatist groups (La Raza and NAACP as examples here; A5089 has listed the French ones), but any groups even hinting at white solidarity get nailed immediately for being racist and come under increased state and Federal law enforcement scrutiny.

Just being a Republican is, in itself, tantamount to openly admitting being a racist as far as much of their political opposition is concerned. This despite the great advances in civil rights the Repubs have championed. Those advances may have been the right thing to do, but if minority votes or trust were the expected reward, the pickings for Republicans have been pretty slim.

It's already an ugly situation and not getting better. Look up the stats on interracial crime and you'll see just how bad it is. The only real question is when, or if, whites are going to start fighting back. A group that won't defend itself in the face of increasingly strong attacks emboldens its attackers. Such a group can't realistically expect a very bright future.
Posted by Jomock Platypus9662 2008-07-30 19:08||   2008-07-30 19:08|| Front Page Top

#20 Hey BO, keep your flirting to yourself. Your cockamamie economics are going to drive the economy into recession or depression. You seem to want to replace free markets with socialism where everything is doled out of Washington.
Posted by JohnQC 2008-07-30 19:48||   2008-07-30 19:48|| Front Page Top

#21 Look up the stats on interracial crime and you'll see just how bad it is.
Actually if you look at the crime stats you'll see blacks are mostly killing each other. Latinos and Blacks are also killing each other in greater numbers than either kills whites. It has more to do with drugs and proximity than racism. People that live in the suburbs no matter what color are far less likely to kill each other than those that live in poorer areas. This is true on a international level as well.
Posted by rjschwarz 2008-07-30 21:47||   2008-07-30 21:47|| Front Page Top

#22 The only real question is when, or if, whites are going to start fighting back.

Not a lot we can do until they cross the line and start the killing in earnest. Yes, we'll fight back, some of us that is. And the killing will be ruthless, the blacks and the hispanics will get a big surprise.

There are a lot of us that are very well prepared and have been waiting for the crap to hit the fan. Not exactly looking forward to it, but ready none the less.
Posted by Grease Dark Lord of the Algonquins9226 2008-07-30 22:02||   2008-07-30 22:02|| Front Page Top

#23 OldSpook - I sat on my bus this afternoon listening to a large group of 10-11 year old black girls from my neighborhood talking about "Oreos" for about 10 minutes (Black on the outside, white on the inside for those who don't know.
I wanted to talk to them a bit but it wouldn't have been quite appropriate. Ironically enough, they were on a trip for their summer school program through the local youth center to keep kids off the streets and demonstrate a bit of culture...Music, Art Museums etc...

I suppose your usage of "tribal" was referencing a group of people without civilization.

Yet I can think of no "tribe", be it African, Asian, or Native American that glorifies the values which have become the Black American culture.
Posted by sjb 2008-07-30 22:10||   2008-07-30 22:10|| Front Page Top

#24 OldSpook - I sat on my bus this afternoon listening to a large group of 10-11 year old black girls from my neighborhood talking about "Oreos" for about 10 minutes (Black on the outside, white on the inside for those who don't know.
I wanted to talk to them a bit but it wouldn't have been quite appropriate. Ironically enough, they were on a trip for their summer school program through the local youth center to keep kids off the streets and demonstrate a bit of culture...Music, Art Museums etc...

I suppose your usage of "tribal" was referencing a group of people without civilization.

Yet I can think of no "tribe", be it African, Asian, or Native American that glorifies the values which have become the Black American culture.
Posted by sjb 2008-07-30 22:15||   2008-07-30 22:15|| Front Page Top

#25 Bring it on. I have family dead who fought on both sides. I want reparations for them and I'm billing Obama
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2008-07-30 22:24||   2008-07-30 22:24|| Front Page Top

#26 If there were going to be a race war, it would have happened in 1968. Now it's only the inner city ghettos that are so segregated and unemployed that hatred can build up on street corners and lead to riots. Out here in the suburbs the blacks and hispanics are just as happy to participate in the American dream as every one else... and too busy mowing the lawn or driving the kids to soccer practice to get more than rhetorically exercised over the possibility.
Posted by trailing wife ">trailing wife  2008-07-30 22:54||   2008-07-30 22:54|| Front Page Top

23:47 Hellfish
23:28 Redneck Jim
23:21 Redneck Jim
23:15 trailing wife
23:08 trailing wife
23:06 trailing wife
22:54 trailing wife
22:44 Old Patriot
22:44 Frank G
22:43 Frank G
22:36 Alaska Paul in Fairbanks
22:33 tipover
22:29 Alaska Paul in Fairbanks
22:27 Old Patriot
22:24 Frank G
22:22 tipover
22:21 JosephMendiola
22:16 JosephMendiola
22:15 sjb
22:13 JosephMendiola
22:10 sjb
22:09 Grease Dark Lord of the Algonquins9226
22:02 Grease Dark Lord of the Algonquins9226
22:01 Sgt. Mom

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