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2006-01-06 Israel-Palestine-Jordan
Middle East fears more hawkish Israel after Sharon
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Posted by Fred 2006-01-06 00:00|| || Front Page|| [4 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Some of us hope for a more hawkish Israel. Personally, I found Sharon a major disappointment, continuing to follow the insane path of trading land for terror. I hope for an end to "Palestinian" occupation of Israeli territory in the not-too-distant-future. I propose giving the "Palestinian" invaders a simple choice: return to their home countries of Egypt, Jordan, or Lebanon -- or die.
Posted by Scooter McGruder 2006-01-06 01:01||   2006-01-06 01:01|| Front Page Top

#2 I don't read Kos or Atrios, or the rest, but I do like to read the "Have Your Say," or whatever they call it, column on the BBC website. As usual the Tranzi crowd was whining about "Sharon the war criminal" and how he should have been tried before the World Court. (I've never understood why Miloslavic is fighting such a hard fight there. Murderers get 8 years in the EU with time off for good behavior. If he had gone into trial and plead guilty, he'd probably be back home writing his memoirs by now.) But a surprising number of Arabs seemed to have a grudging respect for him. Most comments seemed to be along the lines of, yes he was a bastard, but at least we always knew where he stood and we could negotiate with him.
Posted by 11A5S 2006-01-06 01:15||   2006-01-06 01:15|| Front Page Top

#3 Fears that will soon be realized. The Paleos, thier friends and supporters only have themselves to blame for not getting behind Sharons offers. Those offers are dead. BiBi is a hard ass. There will be no deals with him and he will not screw around with you fools.
Posted by Sock Puppet O´ Doom 2006-01-06 04:31||   2006-01-06 04:31|| Front Page Top

#4 Hawkish Sharon, gimme a break! Or Bibi.

In 1976, Sharon advocated negotiations with the PLO Nazi terrorist mass murderers at a time when even the Marxist Labor Party publicly opposed such negotiations.

When asked in 1976 about meeting with the PLO for negotiations, the Marxist Rabin replied, "The only place where we will meet with the PLO terrorist murderers is on the battlefield."

But Sharon said in 1976 that if Jewish leaders could speak to the Germans after they murdered over 6 million Jews, then Jewish leaders could also speak to the PLO terrorists.

Sharon and his new political party also advocated creating an independent PLO terrorist state in 1976, at a time when even the Marxist Labor Party publicly opposed a PLO terrorist state....

n 1998, then Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu appointed Sharon as Foreign Minister.

Shown during a recent Knesset meeting, phony "right-wingers" Ariel Sharon and Binyamin Netanyahu have been busy for years surrendering Israel to the PLO Arab Muslim terrorists - In 1998, as then Prime Minister Netanyahu's foreign minister, Sharon assisted him and the Jew-hating Traitor-in-Chief Bill Clinton in crafting the agreement to surrender 13% of Judea and Samaria to the PLO Muslim Nazi terrorists

Netanyahu and Sharon then went together to the infamous 1998 Wye Plantation summit, where they negotiated with the Arab Hitler Yasser Arafat. Under the supervision of the Jew-hater Bill Clinton, Netanyahu and Sharon agreed to surrender another 13% of Judea and Samaria to the PLO Nazi terrorists.

After Oslo, the Road Map of pieces, what has not changed for the worst? Iran has al Queda base in Gaza to attack Israel and our soldiers in Iraq.
Posted by Bardo 2006-01-06 10:45||]">[]  2006-01-06 10:45|| Front Page Top

#5 Oh. It's Bardo. we don't need to read his post to know where he stands: Any Israeli that dares to think for himself instead of following Bardo's maximalist party line (I believe that the borders of King Solomon's kingdom are his minimal acceptable national borders) is a fascist traitor to God and his race. Heaven forbid that the situation on the ground might change; it's more important to be Correct than to be Effective.
Posted by trailing wife 2006-01-06 18:35||   2006-01-06 18:35|| Front Page Top

#6 TW, no snark intended but if you've got any ideas on how to sort the Paleos and Iranians out without massive amounts of bloodshed and the use of WMD, I'd be very interested in reading them. Both of those two groups seem like they are rabid dogs with whom no honest negotiation is possible and who will only be stopped by powerful blows that will inflict massive casualties. Believe me, I'd like to think another alternative was out there but the last thirty years of Muslim-Israeli interaction makes me EXTREMELY skeptical. I'm no millenialist but the idea of an Iranian bomb in the hands of a nutball like Ahmedinejad leads, however reluctantly, to a recollection of Revelations. And if it's going to come to that, I think we'd both agree that it would be better Israel should strike first and destroy those who have sworn its eradication rather than wait for them to carry out their genocidal threat.
Posted by mac 2006-01-06 21:49||   2006-01-06 21:49|| Front Page Top

#7 I dunnot TW, Bardo's making plenty of sense to me. I challenge you point anything specific that he's wrong about....
Posted by Scooter McGruder 2006-01-06 21:49||   2006-01-06 21:49|| Front Page Top

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