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2004-02-13 Home Front: Culture Wars
Purity Day mañana
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Posted by Korora 2004-02-13 3:06:01 PM|| || Front Page|| [1 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 "A lot of girls feel that in order to keep their relationship, they have to have sex,"

Jeebus, and here I thought not pressuring was the best way to go...

I resent the GLBT's efforts to force anyone not enthused by their proselytising to wear the bigot sign. I know and like several gays, each of whom is discrete and not in-my-face about their lifestyle, and that's OK with me. I resent being branded when I say that I'd prefer that my kids marry straight, make me a grandaddy, and conform to, oh....3000 yrs of societal rules? However, hot girl-on-girl porn is OK with me
Posted by Frank G  2004-2-13 7:04:43 PM||   2004-2-13 7:04:43 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 Ok, let's be honest here: the idea of sexual restraint makes the folks at these Gay, Lesbian, and So Forth groups extremely uncomfortable. After all, their entire world view centers around not denying oneself those pleasures which are traditionally viewed as sinful, antisocial, and unnatural. Promoting the idea that homosexual or merely promiscuous behavior is perfectly normal as well as ethically acceptable is pretty much the bulk of their agenda. Any group or person who's beliefs or behavior even implies indirectly that their agenda might be.... uh, well, even an agenda is going to get attacked, let alone this chick who is actually implying that such behavior is unacceptable. Also, the purpose of these organizations is basically to recruit new members by getting their message out to kids while they are adolescent, vulnerable identity-questioning phases. Which is kind of yucky, actually.

That said, I don't have some major axe to grind with gays and lesbians. I live in San Francisco and I can tell you for a fact that gays for the most part don't make bad neighbors or fellow citizens. Nor do I want to see gay youths getting beaten up in high schools or anything: if your organization is trying to stop than, than bully for you. Only I have my doubts about the motives of these groups. After all, if you belong to a minority group that cannot by definition biologically reproduce to replenish its ranks it HAS to recruit actively. If it doesn't, it goes the way of the Shakers. Does anybody remember them?
Posted by Secret Master  2004-2-13 7:31:18 PM|| []  2004-2-13 7:31:18 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 Frank, agreed on all points. I have an uncle who is gay. Doesn't phase me, what he does in his house is his business. I just don't want them serving openly in the military nor do I want to hear their rhetoric that they're somehow worthy of special rights since they're outside the mainstream. I also believe marriage is man & woman not same-sex. If they want a civil union for fiscal purposes, fine by me, so long as they don't try to call it marriage. I also don't think they should make every state that doesn't agree w/same sex couples have to honor another state's civil union.
Posted by Jarhead 2004-2-13 7:32:54 PM||   2004-2-13 7:32:54 PM|| Front Page Top

16:26 Jarhead
08:50 Igs
05:27 Jarhead
00:37 Aris Katsaris
00:37 Frank G
00:36 Anonymous
00:21 Igs
00:14 Lucky
23:49 Mr. Davis
23:45 GK
23:44 Jarhead
23:06 Charles
23:02 Charles
22:59 Charles
22:52 tu3031
22:52 anon
22:49 tu3031
22:36 GK
22:29 tu3031
22:26 CrazyFool
22:25 tu3031
22:22 tu3031

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