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2006-02-20 Terror Networks
New Fatwa creates sixth Pillar of Islam
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Posted by Korora 2006-02-20 00:00|| || Front Page|| [8 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Lol. Ott, chronicler of our era, bears witness:
There is a reform movement within Islam.
Posted by .com 2006-02-20 00:13||   2006-02-20 00:13|| Front Page Top

#2 Actually, #6 may be a safer activity than #5, the Hadjj, given the number of people trampled to death there each year.
Posted by GK 2006-02-20 01:41||   2006-02-20 01:41|| Front Page Top

#3 I am sick and tired of all the radical Islamic bull shits. I am sure; most of the US citizens are feeling the same. Could it be just the matter of time for these Islamists to shape up or get screwed up really bad? I do not think so. The entire politicking of US and the western countries are to kiss the ass of the Islamists. Look at the China. China tolerates the Islamists for a while then China blasts a whole bunch of Islamists. The Islamists in China finally stay in control. The problem with US and the western polices are that they want to have the cake and eat it too. This does not work in societies where power is the God.

I always joked that India exists because no power in the world wants to conquer India even if the politicians there are eager to sell India for a few bucks. Not even China, wants to have a huge headache. In the modern world, you do not want to conquer a country or a population. All you want is to establish your control. Now, look at the world. India can do nothing against the wishes of Islamists when less than only 15% Of India's population is Muslims. Lebanon is no more a Christian country. And no free press in USA ever dared to publish the cartoons of Mohammad as was done in Denmark.
Friends, you will not believe that we already have lost to the Islamists. Now, be ready to protect your grand daughters from a certain rape by the Islamists in your own country in the future. Our own politicians and big business already havev sold you to the Islamists. Thousands of our young men and women in armed forces are being sacrificed for the stupidity of our politicians. Please have the compassion that those thousands of our young men and women killed and injured in the Iraq and Afghanistan are just like your child. Please, never think they are the children of some one else. I do not know about you friends, I simply wish, I will be around to have my double barrel shot gun blazing to any Islamist who ever dared to touch my grand daughter. Will you not? You do not believe me; look what happens in the Islamic world. Most of the non-Muslim daughters and grand daughters are raped by the Islamists in the Muslim countries.
Posted by Annon 2006-02-20 04:19||   2006-02-20 04:19|| Front Page Top

10:32 Anonymoose
23:59 Anon
23:54 Rafael
23:38 Alaska Paul
23:37 mag44_vaquero
23:30 DMFD
23:28 Zenster
23:24 .com
23:19 Frank G
23:16 Frank G
23:16 Jan
23:14 mom
23:13 .com
23:13 Frank G
23:12 Frank G
23:11 .com
23:10 Frank G
23:10 Rafael
23:09 Zenster
23:09 Jan
23:08 Frank G
23:04 Alaska Paul
23:00 Silentbrick
23:00 Alaska Paul

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