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2005-09-02 Home Front: Culture Wars
One nation, under God
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Posted by Oldspook 2005-09-02 12:11|| || Front Page|| [1 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Except the Atheists and their ACLU allies, who seem mute on this except for preparing lawsuits against public officials for praying, and the Army and National Guard for shooting looters (and thereby violating their civil rights).
Posted by Fliting Graimp6933 2005-09-02 12:46||   2005-09-02 12:46|| Front Page Top

#2 The ACLU does not equal all atheists. There are plenty of war veterans who are atheists, plenty of Republicans and conservatives and even Libertarians who are atheists, and plenty of people who will be/have been donating more than they can afford to the hurricane survivors who are atheists. There are even plenty of atheists who have religious friends like you, Fliting Graimp6933. "Judge not, lest ye be judged," is a motto you should engrave upon your heart, if only to prevent such rudeness in the future.
Posted by trailing wife 2005-09-02 13:17||   2005-09-02 13:17|| Front Page Top

#3 And by the way, some 11% of Americans are either atheist or agnostic, so you might want to be careful who you insult -- the odds are high it will be someone you know... and they might choose to take umbrage.
Posted by trailing wife 2005-09-02 13:24||   2005-09-02 13:24|| Front Page Top

#4 And that doesn't even count the apathists who don't know whether there are any gods and don't really give a damn.
Posted by Angomble Spesing4071 2005-09-02 14:15||   2005-09-02 14:15|| Front Page Top

#5 He is right in point out that the relief agencies and efforts are largely "religous" in character and nature. And there are no avowedly "Atheist" organizations out there doing anything.

And I agree about the ACLU probably preparing lawsuits.

As for people around me being atheist? WHo cares. Thats their folly, and they are welcome to it. I generally pity them as long as they don't try to constrain me in what my religion requires me to do.

The atheists I've met that fall generally into 1 of 2 stripes: the idiot communists/socialists who sacrifice men to their own gods of the "collective" and want to tell every one selse what to do, and the zealous Rand purists, who cut men from one another in their "my-me-mine" view of life not caring about true compassion nor making room for it, in fear that it might rupture the consistency of the philosophical ediface their leader constructed, they try to be Mr SPock from Star Trek. Remarkable is that both groups have schisms, purges, power-struggles, attempt to tell others what to do while failing at it miserably themselves, and remain insignificant when it comes to daily life in the world that is. Of these, I used to be the latter until the whole of things fell apart in showed the flaws in the very structure of the Objectivism as a political entity.

And I speak from experience in that there are few if any atheists in foxholes. Facing life and death clarifies the heart and mind wonderfully.
Posted by Oldspook 2005-09-02 17:12||   2005-09-02 17:12|| Front Page Top

#6 I am an atheist. I judge people based upon their deeds - their words, whether mumbled or screeched, are merely wind, at best, and misdirection, at worst. I've given generously - to the soldiers, to the tsunami victims, to Cal earthquake victims, to the Fla hurricane victims, and to the Katrina victims, just to name a few. I've fought from a foxhole with the first issue of the M-16, jamming and clogging in the worst moments. I've consistently offered support to my friends of religion - but because they and theirs are doers of good deeds, not for what belief they espouse.

I have happily cherry-picked every religion and ideology for those tenets that make sense, contribute to the common good, have stood the test of time - made them mine - and discarded the trainloads of silly bullshit that were offered up with them. My deeds are mine, borne of my own mind, by my own logic, from my own heart - no external codes drive me - it is a personal synthesis of the best I can find among mankind. If you don't like the way I act, then truly I am to blame.

I've fought the forces of totalitarianism - the failed ideologies of communism, socialism, fascism, et al. I've fought the self-defeatism of the PC fools and Moonbat tools. The ANSWER, ACLU, etc entities are enemies of freedom and individualism, thus they are my enemies. They are fascists and fear / hate mongerers.

So help me out here - I don't know which fucking pigeonhole fits me.

"If you ain't like me you're broke..." seems to be the message here... or did I misunderstand?
Posted by .com 2005-09-02 21:39||   2005-09-02 21:39|| Front Page Top

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