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2003-01-21 Axis of Evil
Today’s Turkish News
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Posted by Steve 2003-01-21 12:11 pm|| || Front Page|| [6 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Europe offers harrassment over IMF membership and continued footdragging on entrance to the EU, the US can offer Turkish entrance into NAFTA, the removal of a wannabe nuclear psycho on their southern border and some control over the resolution of the Kurd issue in Iraq.

Let me see, what would I choose, give me a moment.
Posted by attaturk 2003-01-21 12:43:40||   2003-01-21 12:43:40|| Front Page Top

#2 The EU is playing Turkey for a fish. They do not want the Turks in the EU, but Turkey is useful to them as a great wedge to drive in Bush's war plans. Turkey has political problems with its populace. I'm sure that there are political agitators keeping this kettle simmering, trying to make it boil over. Also Turkey has its own designs on land, keeping Kurds at bay, etc. I'm not an expert on Turkey, but how much do we need them...what should be the extent of the interaction? In short, how much of yours and my $ do we have to shell out to get the results we need from renting Turkey? Some places are a bottomless money pit, like PakLand. In my engineering designs, it's cost/benefit ratio. Some ideas, please.
Posted by Alaska Paul 2003-01-21 14:38:49||   2003-01-21 14:38:49|| Front Page Top

#3 I may be wrong on this, but I'm about ready to tell the Turks to stuff it. We're supposed to be ALLIES. I don't recall Tony Blair asking for financial guarantees, and I don't recall the Aussies negotiating over what they'll do and for how much.

If I were the American ambassador to Turkey (and somehow I never made the short list for that job) I'd remind the Turks that:
1) we have a long memory
2) they depend on us for their security in lots of other ways
3) the Arabs don't like 'em, not since that Ottoman Empire thing
4) we're not setting up shop in Turkey permanently, we just want to pass through, and
5) remember Article V of the NATO treaty?

I'd offer to compensate them for the costs they bear in letting us pass through, and I'd offer them some portion of the Mosul oil to compensate them for their economic problems with the war. After that, they're either friends or not, and we'll remember whatever they decide.

We may need a northern front, but we don't need one this badly.
Posted by Steve White  2003-01-21 18:26:12||   2003-01-21 18:26:12|| Front Page Top

#4 Rather than make any demands which this Government dislikes, we should simply make certain our Kurdish Allies are very well armed, and, with Special Forces help, very well trained. These Turkish Politicians can sit home and discover the danger of pricing their assistance above their worth. They need to learn the difference between holding someone up for a building permit and dealing with American Friends.
Posted by edwardvt  2003-01-21 21:03:12||   2003-01-21 21:03:12|| Front Page Top

#5 Hello all, what’s the fury about? Who says that Turkey should follow always US interests? Does the US ever think even a tiny second to place other ones interest in front of their own interests. I don’t want to complain but the mess papa Bush created landed on our plate, and not yours! If Bush wants to play the lord of the ring after the two towers incident in NY, that’s his business, but don’t create more mess to be left unsolved once again afterward. Greetings from Istanboel.
Posted by Murat 2003-01-22 01:56:04||   2003-01-22 01:56:04|| Front Page Top

#6 Careful Steve, Always remember this may be just distraction, and not for our benefit. Any apparent and public infighting on our side might, not always, but might, be a ruse to distract or fool Sammy. Are the Turks our friends is impossible to for us tell at this stage from the public reports. We don't know what is really going on. Only Gul, Oskok and our guys at the Pentagon really know
Posted by Ben 2003-01-22 03:26:54||   2003-01-22 03:26:54|| Front Page Top

#7 Murat has a point, but the US does indeed consider the interests of others. Probably about as much as Turkey considers the interest of others in its affairs. He's also got a point about the aftermath of this war. Turkey has been an EXCELLENT friend of the U.S. and this time we do need to make sure that Turkey doesn't suffer inordinately and that it gets as much benefit out of this war as we get.

I think a deal will be worked out. I also do not think that the northern front is going to be very important. We'll work with the Turks. I have a very warm spot in my heart for them. After 9/11 a group working at my company's Istanbul office went out of their way to offer condolences. I won't forget that, nor their help in Afghanistan and elsewhere.
Posted by R. McLeod 2003-01-22 03:54:00||   2003-01-22 03:54:00|| Front Page Top

#8 Thank you R. McLeod, Turkey has indeed extraordinary friendly ties with the US. The problem is that many in the US cannot or do not comprehend fully what the US actions create to Turkey. You have to understand that Turkey neighbours Iraq (and Iran). Even agreed that these two are not the most favourable neighbours to have, they are a geographical fact. People have no idea what kind of havoc the past US policies have done to the Turkish economy (embargo against Iraq and Iran). One must only try to imagine what would happen with the US economy if there would be an embargo against Canada and Mexico.

I think the northern front is essential, Iraq counts 22mln people, to occupy such a land you need a variety of bases for logistics. I am thinking also that a deal will be worked out the US has just to pay a little more attention to their allies. While beating up the bad guy she should take care of not injuring their friends also.
Posted by Murat 2003-01-22 04:56:03||   2003-01-22 04:56:03|| Front Page Top

09:58 liberalhawk
04:56 Murat
04:18 R. McLeod
03:54 R. McLeod
03:44 Ben
03:42 R. McLeod
03:28 JDB
03:26 Ben
03:17 Ben
01:56 Murat
00:43 Anonymous
00:11 Alaska Paul
00:04 Anonymous
23:45 Down Under
22:57 Denny
22:53 Frank G
22:38 Down Under
21:48 Patrick
21:29 Patrick
21:03 edwardvt
20:37 Frank Martin
20:31 Alaska Paul
20:21 Alaska Paul
20:10 Angie Schultz

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